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[ Sokovia ]

It was a very, very cold night.

The mountains of Sokovia were not forgiving, as the snow kept on piling on top of one another which made it colder than it should have. The raging weather made it hard to see which made shelter a must during these times. Anyone who dared to step outside was setting themselves up for a few weeks in bed due to a fever.

However, there were practically no towns near the area. After what had happened with the Avengers and Ultron, Sokovia had a hard time recovering as a country. From all the warfare that had gone in the area, to different companies rushing to the craters to collect the scraps of robots, it was a hellish time for the people of the nation.

But during the Blip, they managed to rebuild beautifully. The country took the opportunity of making their own brand of machinery and began expanding to become one of the world's leading technology when it comes to robotics. When everyone came back, the country only grew stronger in that apartment.

Still, deep in the mountains of Wundagore Mountains and near it's beautiful lake was a cabin in the woods. There was barely any light escaping its windows with snow almost blocking all points of entry.


The owner of this beautiful home slept soundly, not knowing what was happening around her house. The slow creek made by the damaged planks produced a low sound, but not enough to alert the unaware. The dangerous force was still looming large.

Through the cracks in the battered walls, the eye of the attacker peeked through. The one he was targeting was fast asleep, taking a good night's rest after a supposed tiring day. It was a noble effort in providing a good day's work, but one that needed correcting.

Creeping inside the room of the sorcerer, Mordo peeked to the sleeping woman in the bed. She was in deep sleep, with a very slim chance of hearing him moving in the room. With his sword extended, he walked back and forth in front of the bed, thinking of a way to end this person's life.

Placing the sword on the neck of the woman, he rested it. Blood began dripping off from the initial contact, still not awakening her. Seeing as that he had all control, Mordo began reciting his prayer every time he eliminated a sorcerer.

With this one being more sincere than others.

"By the name of the Ancient One... I grant your life an exceptional one..." Mordo muttered, raising his sword in the air, "and one that must end. No more... sorcerers."

-A slash.

He was sure of it. For a moment, Mordo thought he had killed the Scarlet Witch. Her body was already severed. Her neck was already coming apart, with pools of blood staining the pillow and blanket and falling off the side of the bed.

However, it didn't feel like that. Something was wrong. The air in the room hadn't change. There was an uneasiness that was still looming. It was dirty. It was disgusting. It was outright disgraceful.

Having to escape right away, Mordo grabbed his sling ring and tried to conjure a portal that would lead right outside the cold, dark, and eerie mountains. When he tried to create one, only sparks came out of the air. It was out of the ordinary.

Escaping the old fashion way, he tried to exit the way he entered. Getting inside the living room where he had entered through, the aura of the entire room had changed. Sitting in the chair was a dark figure-eyes scattered with red dust and fingers cursed with black skin.

But there was no denying one thing.

-This was the same woman he beheaded earlier; and now she was staring at him with murderous intent.

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