The Gift Of Having You ❄️

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Type: fluff

Warnings: None


This was ridiculous.

What on Earthbread was he supposed to get for this no-good light-magic pompous idiot?

Espresso rubbed his palm against his forehead in frustration. He then began to put away his various lab equipment while mumbling a plethora of curses to himself.

There was no backing out of Gingerbrave's Secret Santa. Every cookie knew that. But what did Madeleine even like?

He locked up his lab for the day and made his way outside. It was snowing as per usual, and Espresso felt a shiver run through him at the lack of proper attire he wore.

Suddenly, the white-haired knight he's been so caught up on came bolting towards him with the biggest grin on his face. "Espresso!" he yelled out, stopping abruptly and tripping over his feet into the snow.

Espresso scrunched his face up in disgust. "Madeleine."

"Ess! Espresso!" Madeleine got back on his feet, dusting himself off. The first thing Espresso noticed was the lack of his typical eye-catching armor. Today Madeleine was dressed in a scarf and jacket, all warm and cozy.

"What is it?" Espresso spat, already annoyed.

"Do you wanna hang out?"

Espresso raised an eyebrow. "Hang... out?" What an odd question, thought Espresso. In typical circumstances, he would have simply told Madeleine that he was too busy. But he supposed that this was an excellent opportunity to gain valuable information for Gingerbrave's childish activity, which he was forced to partake in. "Sure."

Madeleine was shocked for a second. "Oh- Really?!" he yelled, bouncing up and down like a dog being given a treat.

"Yes," said Espresso. "Don't flatter yourself, though. I'm simply free today is all."

"You're never free, though... But very well! It has been decided! We will hang out!"

The way Madeleine looked at him made his body hurt. He clutched his chest, taking a step back. Madeleine always gave him weird, gross feelings whenever he was around—which is why Espresso hated him so much. Sometimes it was the way his heart skipped a beat, or the way his face would grow uncomfortably warm, or the weird mushy feelings in his stomach.

Espresso knew one thing as fact: these were side effects of pure and utter hatred.

"Espresso? Are you alright?" Madeleine reached his hand out, and Espresso swatted it away.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's get this over with, shall we? What will we be doing for this 'hanging out?' activity?"

"I was thinking," Madeleine started. "Someplace warm, at least. Look at you; you're all cold. Why didn't you wear a scarf or coat or something?"

"Nonsense. I do not require one."

"You're shivering. C'mon, friend. Let's go to the café, shall we? It'll be my treat." Madeleine grabbed Espresso by the wrist, tugging him along to the café. Espresso didn't object to this; in fact, the goosebumps that Madeleine's touch sent up his forearm intrigued him.

The two males entered the café and sat in the far corner near a window across from one another. Espresso was quite relieved at the warmth, slumping down in his seat and smiling.

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