Oh, the mistletoe ❄️

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Type: fluff

Warnings: None


The tree above the spring wisteria was long shed of leaves.

Hung from one of many bare branches sat the only sight of green for miles around: the mistletoe.

Cookies at first long avoided the bridge, knowing the tensions involved with accidentally bumping into one another there.

But soon, things took an unexpected turn in the direction of romance! Cookies were kissing left and right, holding hands, sharing loving embraces all across the kingdom! This little plant had risen to power only within the first week of December. Love was indeed in the air this winter.

Yet Madeleine Cookie, the charming and handsome knight who had quickly become the talk of the town due to his achievements, has yet to find someone.

The thing is, Madeleine only had one cookie in mind to be that designated 'someone.'

Espresso Cookie.

Espresso was just different. Espresso was the only cookie who ever made his chest tighten, the only cookie with the most adorable complexion, the only cookie whose voice made his face flush red and his hands shake nervously. Espresso was the only one he wanted to pull close and press his lips to in the most delicate, loving kiss. Oh, Madeleine felt so warm just imagining the other's flustered expression.

Madeleine just wanted to take care of Espresso, make sure he was okay, and make him feel loved. He wanted to give Espresso more blessings than The Divine could even bless!

There was only one issue.

Espresso hated Madeleine.

At least, to Madeleine's knowledge.

It saddened Madeleine. He was continuously kind to Espresso yet always received some sort of scolding or distasteful comment. It's been far less scolding since the puppet show event, surely, but sometimes his feelings still got hurt.

He longed to communicate with Espresso and to vent his feelings on this subject, but he didn't know if Espresso desired that. He didn't want to pester Espresso anymore than he already did. He wanted Espresso to be happy but couldn't stand to leave him alone. But Madeleine wanted to be in Espresso's presence all the time.

Espresso made him feel so good, yet so horrible at the same time. He just wanted Espresso to like him, to chat with him, to hug him,

to kiss him under the mistletoe.

Madeleine shook his head. That damned mistletoe was getting to his head, all this Christmas love.

Madeleine prayed that night at his alter, begging the divine to soon allow him a solution for his omnipresent feelings.


The morning after, Madeleine awoke with worry in his stomach. It was really starting to get to him. It wasn't fair—why must he feel this way?

Madeleine hadn't even eaten that morning; from the moment he roused, his mind was dead-set on finding Espresso. He'd found his body guiding itself from bed and out the front door before he could even object to it.

Madeleine took the stroll to Espresso's laboratory, where he knew the other cookie would be residing.

When Espresso opened the door, he appeared thoroughly annoyed, as per usual upon seeing Madeleine's face. "What is it?"

Espresseleine Christmas Oneshots ❄️Where stories live. Discover now