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5 hours later...

I slam the front door close and sigh, leaning against it. What a day. First classes, then shopping and at last I'm home. Someone is whistling in the kitchen. And it's not Abbie.
I pick up my pepper spray, cliché was an understatement but I know it works.
I walk into the kitchen expecting someone trying to steal something.
There he is, in all his mysterious beauty. He whistles a familiar tune that I can't quiet put my finger on.
I frown, "What are you making?" I ask as calmly as possible.
He isn't phased by my sudden appearance, "French toast. What some?" He asks, still not turning to face me.
French toast. That's one of my favorites, "uh.." My stomach grumbles with my hesitance, "ok. You know, I still don't know your name." I say, walking closer.
He finally turns to face me, his eyes still the beautiful black with gold stars. Stars... Beautiful and bright in his midnight eyes. It left me almost breathless.
"You really need to know? How many pieces?" He asks me.
"Uh, just one. Yes I need to know, you're a stranger that knows all about me. Can I at least know who you are?" I try to sound calm but inside I feel like I already knew.
"Who I am and what my name is are two very different questions. I'm Jasper Cole." He smiles with defeat.
Jasper. The name was familiar in a blurry way. Instead of replying, I take a bite of the French toast. It was delicious and left a nice warmth in my stomach.
"I thought you would like it." He smirks, gesturing towards the food.
"Oh, yeah. It's great. You didn't drug it, did you?" My eyes widen.
He laughs, melodic in sound, "no. That would have changed things. I would have had to kidnap you then."
My jaw drops.
He smiles at my expression, "I'm kidding. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."
"So... What's the issue? Why are you here for me?" I blush when I say the last sentence.
"Um... Do you want to know right now? Or will you come with me so I can show you?" His face showed uncertainty and worry. He knew what he would say probably sound crazy.
"I thought you said no kidnapping." I raise my eyebrows jokingly.
He shakes his head, "I won't, you can willingly join me. I have a charming affect on the ladies." He winks.
I roll my eyes, "how old are you, exactly?"
He smirks, "20. You turn 20 in a few months, right."
I knew it wasn't a question, he knew my birthday. I shudder and with my luck, he doesn't notice.
"So if I do go with you, which I possibly won't, where are we going to go? You aren't some kind of stalker rapist are you? Kidnapping is one thing but raping and stalking is not on." I lecture. I feel anger bubbling within me.
I see a tiny flicker of pain in his eyes. Again? Is it just me or is this my fault? He shakes his head, "didn't you hear me? I'm not going to hurt you. Fine, I'll just tell you here-"
There's a heavy rap at my door and I jump up to answer it. Abbie probably forgot her house key again.
I turn back quickly and see Jasper is gone once again. Me and my imagination.
The ground shaking knocks on my door snap me back to reality. I turn to the door and unlock it.
I stop. The knocking was far too heavy to be Abbie's small hands. I lock the door again and creep away from the door as quickly as possible.
The knocks start again. My horror movie paranoia starts up and I bolt to my room. I know thats usually where the killer would hide but I felt the death call anyway.
I reach my room and close the door behind me.
Turning around, a hand covers my mouth. He gestures for me to be silent and I hear the heavy footsteps downstairs.
"Freeze, Red. Don't move or else they'll know where you are." Jasper whispers carefully.
I don't move a muscle. I hold my breath and close me eyes with fear of blinking.
The footsteps stop and I really need to breathe.
Then I do the stupidest thing, I open my eyes and blink.
In an instant the footsteps pound up the stairs.
Jasper takes my hand and opens the window.
"Jump." He orders me.
"No! This is a two story house, if you didn't notice." I whisper.
"I'll catch you." He promises as he lands unharmed.
I don't have time to argue, the heavy footsteps have reached my bedroom door.
I jump out my window, catching a glimpse of my intruder. His golden blonde hair was a mop on his head.
I cringe, expecting an agonizing finish. Luckily, Jasper told the truth and caught me in his arms. His strong arms- not the time or place.
He flings me over his shoulder and begins to run. His swift movement makes it as if we were flying.
When he thinks it is safe, he puts me down gently. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Oh, other than the man in my house that could locate me because of my blinking. Oh, and you can run as if you're Edward Cullen from twilight." I huff, "you aren't a vampire, are you?"
"No," He hides his grin, "do you still think I would hurt you?"
I ponder the question for a moment, "honestly? I'm not sure yet."
"Huh." Is all he says, satisfied for now.
I look around at our location, "where are we?"
"My place."
I scoff, "what do sleep in, a tree house?"
I look back, gesturing at the tall trees surrounding the block.
He rolls his eyes, "something like that."

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