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7 years later...

My eyes snap open instantly. The cries of pain glued to my brain. Sweat soaks me from top to bottom.
"Just a dream, just a dream." I mumble in the darkness of my room. My breath is ragged and quick.
I've had that dream for as long as I can remember. The agonizing scream of that man. The cries of a teen girl and the laughter of a woman. That woman. I can easily remember those cold, silver-gray eyes and her perfect hazel hair.
I look down at my hands. The ring from my dreams... It's sitting in its usual spot on my index finger.
I bite back a scream. I never realized that this was the same damn ring.
"Rebecca? Dear, are you ok?" Abigail asks curiously, peering into my bedroom. She flicks my bedroom light on and I instantly see her dark brown waves of hair.
"Bad dream, I'm fine. You don't need to act like my mother." I snap without thinking. My anger pierces through her.
She winces, is that my fault? Hurt floods over her face, "oh." Her grey eyes flicker with concern.
"I'm so sorry, I'm just tired. I didn't mean that Abbie. Please, forget I said that." I say with a guilty sigh.
I know she is trying her best to comfort me.
"It's that reoccurring dream, isn't it?" She asks, sitting on my bed beside me.
I nod, "yes. It was a bit more thorough this time. More detail and more screaming." I admit, tears forming.
"I know you must feel terrible. If you can't sleep then I'm happy to let you read to calm you down." She smiles gently.

Abigail had been around three years since the other four years consisted of me moving every few months, from one foster family to the next. They didn't want a girl that had forgotten most of her life, had a bad temper and red hair that couldn't be changed. Whenever someone insisted on dying my hair they would take ages and after it would look exactly the same. Nobody wanted a monster like me. That was until Abigail came along, she loved my hair and thought a temper brought personality for a girl. Abbie said to me once, "the past doesn't matter, the present is your new past. A new past that you will remember forever."
Since then she hasn't even thought of sending me back. She knows my temper gets the best of me sometimes and she tries not to take my comments too seriously.

"Thanks, Abbie." I say getting up.
She winks, "no problem, Beckie." Abbie rises to her feet and walks out the door quietly.
"Book. Ok..." I trail off, looking through my bookshelf. An idea pops into my head.
I grab my laptop and make sure Abbie isn't listening. I open my laptop and setup. Once I'm on google I find a link of a picture of my ring and search via picture. Instantly a whole bunch of information comes up.
'Sale deals- jewelry ruby gold' and 'Finorians from the past'. It was a pretty easy choice on which to click.
Finorian? What the hell times fifty? How did that have to do with my ring?
I clicked the link and a bunch of pictures came up in an instant. One particular sentence caught my eye:
'Finorian: A mythical being of great power. Finorian's have gold eyes and flecks of their unique colors. Each Finorian has strength, speed and a special magic. The colors are different depending on their family or heart-' I stopped reading when my computer went black.
"Stupid battery.." I mumble. I look at it's battery life and realize that it is full. Odd.
It turns on without my consent and a map flashes up on my screen. Someone is hacking my computer... To find my location.
"Crap! Crap! Crap!" I repeat trying to stop the hacker. I press random buttons in hope of sabotaging them.
The laptop sparks and I squeal. I smell the horrid smoke before I see it. My bed is on fire.
"Argh! Fire!" I scream jumping from my bed in terror.
I put my hands in front of my face, stopping the smoke from hitting my lungs. The fire has stopped. How the hell did that happen? I saw a red shine. Was that me? Well, that's one way to put out a fire.
"Shit!" I breathe a sigh of relief.
Abbie bounds into the room, "what happened? Why is your laptop smoking?"
"Someone was-" I stop, not wanting to tell the truth, "I remembered something for my piano classes, I was asking a friend and I think I overloaded it somehow and it started smoking." I lie.
"I heard you scream fire." Abbie says worriedly.
I frown, "nope, I don't recall screaming anything other than Argh, Fu-"
"No language, thank you." She cuts me off.
I nod in apology.
"I'll look at getting you a new laptop but for now I think it's time for bed." She rubs her eyes. I can see how exhausted I made her.
"I'm sorry. Sleep in tomorrow, Abbie. Please? You look exhausted."
She nods, "ok. Thank you. Can you walk Snippy in the morning?"
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I hate Snippy sometimes, he licks almost EVERYTHING, "Sure thing!"
And finally we go to sleep. Well, at least Abigail slept. I stayed up thinking over and over. Who was trying to find my house? Who could hack my laptop? Who even wanted to do any of the above? What are Finorians exactly?
The questions continued in a long list. Oh well, I'll have to snoop around the university tomorrow.

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