What Did You Call Me?

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Hitch looked around at The Royal Palace, mesmerized by every detail of the castle.

"Crazy, isn't it?" He looked to the pegasus next to him.

"Yeah," he replied, "It's like I've stepped into a different world. Spending your days upholding the law, you forget everything."

Zipp chuckled, "Sunny told me of your obsession with code 33." She chuckled, grinning. "Izzy was right."

Hitch rolled his eyes, "I'm a sheriff, I gotta do what I gotta do."

Zipp lingered in the air, smirking, "I can see it, Code 33, with Hitch Trailblazer."

Hitch pouted, and Zipp flew back down, nudging him, "C'mon, I'm just kidding."

Hitch then gave a grin. "Okay, and I can picture you too, Zephyrina."

He immediately regretted what he said once Zipp looked to him with a dangerous glare, slowly walking over to him as he backed away.

"What did you call me..?" she asked, her voice low in a way to intimate him.

Hitch stammered, then felt his back hit the wall. "I-I, I-I-I didn't m-mean, I-I just-agh!"

Zipp grabbed him, pinning him to the floor, though not hard.

Hitch's heart raced and he squirmed. "Z-Zipp, no! L-Let go!"

She shook her head. "Sorry, sheriff, but I don't think I can. I think I might have to do something to punish you. Hmm..." she thought.

He gulped, whining, "Come on, it was a joke! Let go, l-let's finish the tour!"

Zipp grinned wickedly. "I do remember Sunny telling me about a certain...weakness, you have."

Hitch's eyes widened, but then he cleared his throat, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Zipp raised an eyebrow. "Really? Should I prove myself?" She spread out her wings, and Hitch immediately took it as a sign of trouble.

"You think I'm gonna murder you? Calm down, Hitch. This is just payback."

Hitch bit his lip once he felt her feathery wings glide along his belly. He shook, trying all he could to stay in control, flustering a bit as well.

Zipp teased, "Aw, what's the matter, the sheriff can't take a little tickling?"

She then added her hoof, which began poking at his side, and soon, giggles were escaping him.


"Nope!" Zipp went full force, it was as quick as lightning.

She used both wings to stroke his sides, her hooves rubbing his tummy rapidly.

Hitch couldn't take it anymore.

He laughed and squirmed helplessly, but Zipp's strength was just a little more sturdy than his. Zipp blushed a bit.

Hearing Hitch full-blown laugh was a rare sight, but the sound of it was just gold. She barely found many things in the world to consider cute, but he was one of those infrequent things.

He begged and pleaded until the royal mare finally let him go, and he panted heavily.

"Now," Zipp helped him up, "You call me that again, and I'll do it to you for an hour."

Hitch nodded his head, "Y-Yeah."

"Good," she took his hoof, and he shrieked in surprise once she placed him on her back.

"W-Where are we going..?" he asked, a little scared.

"To see the sunset." She flew up to the clouds, the wind blowing through their manes.

Hitch wrapped his forelegs around her neck nervously, and she smiled, "You won't fall."

She landed on a cloud, both relieved that Hitch didn't immediately fall.

"Good thing Alphabittle made that spell. Never realized how powerful he really is." Hitch said, and Zipp gave a nod in agreement.

They both looked to the setting sun, each color just as beautiful as the last, until dark fell.

Zipp sighed, "Well, I can take you back to Maretime Bay."

Hitch then thought. "No, it's okay. I, actually have a few days off, and, I got nothing really to do."

Zipp felt a certain joy grow inside her. "Really?"

"Yeah, I could, spend that time with you, if, that's okay. I know, you still being a princess, it might-"

She stopped him, "No, no, it's fine! Actually, Mom's with Pipp and Izzy in Bridlewood, so, I have the castle to myself for a few days."

He chuckled, "Huh, how convenient."

She laughed as well, "Yeah."

It was silent for a few minutes, then Hitch decided to break it.

"Alright, Zephyr-" He felt her wing tips glide along his side, and he giggled.

"What did I just say?" she fake scolded him, smiling.


He yawned, stretching a bit. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

Zipp looked down, feeling her heart melt at his sleeping pose, reminding her of a cat.

What is going on with me? She thought, then decided she needed some rest as well.

She lay her head down, drifting off to sleep as well.

After a few hours, Zipp had gotten cold, shivering, and in her sleep, she rested her head on Hitch's chest, neither of them noticing until the next morning.

Both their faces were bright red.

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