Chapter twelve

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It's been an overwhelming couple of days for me. It's strange, the one person I always count on to cheer me up when I'm sad is the source of my misery. I never thought I'd ever turn into one of those girls deeply in like with their best friend. Even though I've been feeling really sad lately, today I feel good, happy even. I've been on Instagram for hours watching tons of funny reels, it feels good to be indoors on a cold day, snuggled up in my favorite blankie wearing the red sweat shirt Louis lent me few months ago.

I know I shouldn't be wearing Louis' sweater because I'm  mad at him but I couldn't help myself, his sweater is really comfortable and it didn't do anything bad to me, therefore I made an exception. Warm and content, I casually scroll through my Instagram feed hearting one of my followers latest Instagram vacation posts when a text pops up on my screen.

Louis: Hey.

Mood soured, I slide the notification tab away and continue to scroll through my feed but then another text of his pops up.

Louis: How are you?

And another one.

Louis: Maya?

I open Louis' messages and exit the chat hoping he takes a hint and leaves me alone but then he texts again.

Louis: Hi.

I open Louis' text again, he starts to call me and I immediately cut the call. After a few minutes, Louis tries calling me again but this time instead of cutting the call, I don't pick up. Although his incessant calling is slowly driving me insane, I let the phone ring and eventually he stops blowing up my phone with needy calls. For a while it's pretty silent, so I assume Louis has given up and go back watching funny reels on instagram, but then I receive a text from him which grabs my attention.

Louis: I'm parked outside your house and I'm not leaving until you come out and talk to me.

Irritated, I get out of bed muttering a string of complaints about Louis' stubbornness and put on my flip flops to meet him. Hurriedly, I step out of the house hoping to quickly wrap up my conversation with Louis before my mum gets back from work. It's close to six p.m. and she'll be home any minute.

Outside my gate, Louis stands at the drivers side of his black range rover waiting for me, shoulders slouched, as his dark blue eyes scan my face nervously. How is it that even in a stressed state Louis looks like a Levis model?

"Louis what are you doing here?" I question, as I stand outside my gate. "You know my mum doesn't like it when guys show up home when she isn't around."

"I know, I'm sorry, this was the only way I could reach you. I know you don't want to see me but I need you to hear me out." Louis pleads while walking to meet me and closes the distance between us, his hands deep in his pockets.

Any other time Louis' voice would have sent thrills of happiness flying through me but not today, not after what he did. It's hard to believe there's a version of him I dislike, it's not like I thought he's overall perfect and didn't find him annoying, but i didn't think he's the kind of guy to play with girls feelings, especially mine. I guess I was okay with not knowing a certain side of him until I got to experience it for myself.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glare at him. "What do you want Louis?" I'm not in the mood to hear his insincere apology. Anxious at the thought of my mum showing up, I look left and right checking to see if she's anywhere close, and face Louis again, my face hardening.

Standing in front of me, Louis looks down at his sweater I'm wearing, distracted for a second and then snaps out of it to ask. "Did you get my cupcakes?"

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