Chapter nine

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I remember that Friday all too well, the football match was drawing close to the end and both teams hadn't scored a single goal. The pressure to score a goal intensified greatly and with each passing second, the tension in the air was thickening. This wasn't just any game, it was the game, the championships game. Our school's three year winning streak was at stake therefore losing wasn't an option and that made everyone on edge.

Eighty plus minutes into the match it became prevalent that there could only be one winner, which was evident by how defensive every player began playing towards the end of the match. It seemed like both teams were on equal footing, and that made the outcome of the game very unpredictable.

It was the toughest game our school had ever played.

However, the game took a surprising turn in the last few minutes of the match, call it raw talent or pure ambition, call it desperation to win but Simone's demeanor changed the entire course of the match, it's like something in him switched, he began playing more intensely than usual prompting his teammates to follow suit. As the atmosphere on the football field changed, so did Simone's skills, I didn't think it was possible but Simone's footwork became even more sublime and swift, there was an incredible flair and speed to his feet. He guardedly dribbled past defenders of the opposing team using short, quick angles all the while impressively maintaining possession of the ball.

Simone was unstoppable beast, he segued relentlessly through the football field drowning out sounds of loud chanting spectators and defenders in his way, solely focused on scoring. He was in his element, completely immersed and in full control of his objective, winning.

Exhilarated with a blast of invincible energy, Simone kept the ball in his possession reveling the rush of air in his face, running faster and faster, captivating everyone. Even with his sudden burst of energy his brown eyes remained fixed on the goal keeper, who stood in front of the net guardedly, ready to catch the ball at any angles but in a blink of an eye Simone swiftly kicked the ball and sent it flying high into the net before the goal keeper could catch it scoring the winning goal.

Simone secured our school's victory. Hillside high won the championships and the crowd let out deafening screams and cheers. As Simone's teammates swarmed him to congratulate him, a few seconds later, the referee blew his whistle three times symbolising the end of the match. Somehow in the midst of loud cheers and celebration me and Simone's eyes met. Of all the girls Simone could have locked eyes with, his pretty brown eyes had locked in mine. It was a scene cut straight out of the pages of a romance novel, movie like with all the feels and butterflies that could make you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Everything and everyone slowed down but not me and Simone, we were trapped in a moment, gazing longingly at each other, transfixed and then in a snap, we both broke eye contact and everything sped up again.

After the game, the crowd of supporters piled out of the football field and I left arm in arm with Emily high from our win. When I finally reached home, I glanced at my phone and found a text from an unknown number who turned out to be Simone, asking me out on a pizza date. He told me he got my number from one of my track mates and explained that he planned to ask me out on a date in person as soon as the game ended, but I left before he got a chance to talk to me.

Before replying to his text, I danced all across my room and then texted him back letting him know that I would gladly go on a date with him, and quickly sent him my address. The next day, Simone picked me up somewhere close to my house because I didn't want my mum seeing me getting in a boys car.

I don't like lying to my mum, in fact, I rarely lie to her but I have to admit, it was fun being sneaky, especially when I sneaking around with most popular boy at my school. On our way to the restaurant, Simone kept stealing glances at me the whole drive there and singing songs to me, it was nice.

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