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"Please someone save me..!" I yell out, and then all of a sudden- BONK. Claus fell on top of me. I look at him and he seems to be unconscious. 'What just..?' I look up, and I see Swapen holding a wooden plank. He then drops it while staring at me.

"Are you alright..?" He asks, and I look over to Claus.

"I'm fine. Claus, not so much." I look over to his knife and grab it. "Did you have to hit him so hard? He already has enough brain damage as it is-"

"Did you want me to save you or no?" Swapen said, cutting me off.

"I did..."

"Then stop complaining. Hurry up and tie him to a chair, he won't be unconscious for long." I puff my cheeks out.

"Who are you to boss me around??" I stand up while hold Claus and sat him in a chair. "Do you even have anything to tie him down with?"

"No, go look for it." Swapen crosses his arms.

"Why me?"

"Because if he wakes up, you wouldn't be able to handle him."

"Yes, I can."

"You were screaming for help literally 30 seconds ago."

"Shut up, he just caught me by surprise."

"Hurry up and go before he wakes up."

"Fine, bossy-pants." I walk out of the room, and walk to the one from before. Maybe I can unjam it? I turn the knob, but...it opened surprisingly easy. Didn't Claus say it was jammed the last time we were here? I open the door and look inside. It looked kind of foggy in here. I open the door completely, and walked inside. 'It's really cold in here...' I huddle my arms together, and looked around. SLAM-! I turn around to see the door slam shut. I tug at the door to try and open it but-!

"W H O  G O E S  T H E R E ?" An ominous voice, almost feminine, calls out, as I stop tugging and look around. I remain silent, the fog started to get thicker. I silently walk around and looked at a singular page sitting on a table in the dead center of the room. I look at it, it seems stuck to the table.

"Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived with his adoptive family. He was given away by his real family long ago. The little boy paid it no mind however, and loved his new family as if they had given birth to him. One day, the little boy's brother had killed him, and the family fell apart. The little boy lived happily ever after." I read.

Such a twisted story...

"W H A T  A  W O N D E R F U L  S T O R Y. H O W  A B O U T  W E  P L A Y  A  G A M E ?  F I N D  O U T  T H E  L I T T L E  B O Y ' S  N A M E,  A N D  I ' L L  L E T  Y O U  F R E E.  I F  Y O U  F A I L . . .  I ' L L  T R A P  Y O U  H E R E  F O R E V E R ." The voice rang out. "Y O U  H A V E  O N E  M I N U T E." A pencil appeared on the table, and 5 short lines on the paper appears. That's when I felt it get colder. I panic, and started to look around the room, anything that would give me clues. I look inside a chest and saw the letter "K." Maybe it's trying to spell Kire??? I mean, that's what happened to him, so it'd make sense... but it had five lines so that means...five letters. I look into a drawer and saw an "e." I continue to look around. I move a plant and I see a "i." 'Kei..?' I continue looking. The last two letters I found was an r...and an a. I walk back to the paper and write it down.

"Keira?" I practically ask myself.

"...Correct. You can have these." A key and rope appeared on the table. I take it in hand and hurriedly walked out. "Welp, note to self never walk in there again.' I walk back to the room, to see Swapen putting Claus in a choke-hold.

"Stay in the chair you piece o-!"

"Let me go or I'll kill you!" Swapen notices me.

"Edger tie him down quickly! I can't hold him much longer-!" He yelled. I quickly tied the rope around Claus, and tied him to the chair. He tried to struggle but didn't manage to get out.

"Untie me right now..!" Claus yelled out.

"Nah." Swapen said, and looked Claus in the eyes. "So, who're you? Why are you taking over Claus?"

"Funny you should say that. This body is something I've never dealt with before. It was surprisingly easy to take over." The entity then chuckled a bit.

"Whadya mean?" Swapen asked.

"Usually taking over a body is hard to do, as the body's owner fights back. This body feels as if there's no soul at all, yet somehow...it's still conscious. I've never seen anything like it before. Didn't even put up a fight."

"Just because there's no soul doesn't mean it won't fight back." I say, and he looks at me confused.

"What do you meeaa..." Claus's eyes went white a second later. Claus usually does this when he's having a visit to his inner mind.

"Should we wait till they're done or..?"

"Yeah. This may take a while." We both sat down on the floor since Claus took the only seat. "So, what happened? Where'd you go?" I ask Swapen and he looks away.

"It's a...long story."

"I can listen." I say making an (◕ヮ◕) face while resting my face on my hands.


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