Chapter 1

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It was always the same . I woke up still Depressed . Got Dressed wearing long sleeves or bracelets to cover my wrists . Put on my face and walked to hell
School* .
My name is daisy . Im in 8th grade and oh , im Depressed . I started self harming in 7th grade. No one knows. I dont have a real reason for self harming except that i hate myself and i get bullied daily , my mom and sisters are drug addicts and treat me shit and my dad left when i was born .I wish if people asked me that i would have a real reason to be depressed...

I walk into my first class which is English and i always sit in the back . I dont talk . I have no friends . As the teacher is talking to a couple students and everyone else is talking to there friends . Im taking notes and a boy walks in He has lite brown side swept hair , A " The fall of troy " Shirt on and gray and black jeans on with a paper in his hand . The teacher Goes to the door and asks him whats his name. He mumbles "Alexis " and The teacher calls the class and says " Hey guys theres a new student, His name is alexis " Everyone looks at him and turns away . I heard a couple chuckles and someone say " ew another emo kid " The teacher says " Alexis take a seat wherever you want " .

Im so scared theres another kid that i wont talk to . Hes kind of cute . The teacher said to sit where he wants and hes walking towards Me .

Alexis walks towards Daisy and sits in the seat next to her . He takes out his blue ipod and picks up one ear bud that was hanging out his shirt and then he takes out a pencil and begins drawing .The class ends 10 minutes later .
*Daisy's pov*
i looked over at Alexis and noticed he was drawing . When the bell rang he got up , took his paper and crumbled it , then threw it away . I wonder what it was ...
Soryy its so short . Im working on the next chapter .

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