Hoodies and Movie Pt2

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i wasn't sure if i was gonna make one but i did so 🤷‍♀️

I woke up to Lizzie's beautiful face and studied all of her freckles and how her skin glowed in the morning sun. How her nose twitched ever so slightly when a peice of hair fell into her face. Or how her lips twitched into a smile when i pushed her hair out of her face. I figured i should get up and make us breakfast so carefully slipped out from underneath Lizzie and headed to the kitchen. 

Hmm... what should i make? Oh i know! Lizzie loves my chocolate and banana pankakes. I'll make those :)

I played my music but made sure to keep it quiet so i wouldn't wake up Lizzie. The first song that started playing was  "Chamber of Reflection" by Mac De Marco. 

(A/N: if u listen to Mac De Marco ily <3)

Many songs went on with me swaying to them and making pancakes for my lovely girlfriend. 

When i finished the pancakes and started plating the song playing was "Dealer" by The blue Banisters and Lana Del Rey. My favorite song :) i started to sing along to it when i felt arms wrap around my waist from behind . I lean in and say 

Y/N: "good morning love"

Lizzie: "Good morning" she said letting go of me. 

Y/N:  "I made your favorite! " i said truing around with her plate in hand "Chocolate Banana  Pancakes!"

Lizzie: "these look amazing thank you y/n!" she said with a huge grin on her face.

Y/N: "Not as amazing as you" i say while winking.

Lizzie blushes and takes her plate to the table and gets the remote to look for something to watch. 

 Lizzie: Hey y/n is there anything you want to watch?

Y/N: "no not really you can choose"

Lizzie: "What about a movie with you in it?" She says while wiggling her eyebrows. Wow. she really is such a dork. 

Y/N: if you must... BUT it can't be any Marvel movie because they make me cry too much.

(A/N: uhuhu just pretend ur an actor/actress for marvel sorry!)

Lizzie:" fair point" she says while shrugging her shoulders.

Lizzie ends up putting on a movie that you acted in when you were a teen so it was definitely a little weird to see. You two went to the beach and had a picnic and just spent the day together. But tomorrow you go to pick up her ring...

THOUGHTS?!?!?!? that all ima upload for today HOLY SHIT ITS 4AM OOPS 

my bad but yeah! it's my first time really writing anything like  this so let me know if i make any mistakes! also i wrote this on my phone so the next chapters will hopefully be better with punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc;

buh bye!

 Word count: 475

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