7 year- epilogue

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The last year was the golden year, the peak of all the marauders.

James after years of pursuing had finally managed to get Lilly's attention. Or he had always her attention, but now the right one. It took her one date and she had changed her mind completely about him. No longer finding him arrogant and stupid, but fun a loyal. Although he got a little bit of help from Mia and Ronja, but that didn't Lilly need know.

Peter made it through every exam, and more wasn't it say. he had studied with Ronja and Remus for weeks, and when he was finally done had he just laid down on the commonroomcoah. Refusing to move as he was so exhausted. Only moving when Mia pranked him with Sirius. Lets just say he used more time to remove the paint than study.

And for Mia and Sirius, it had only taken them six year, but they finally had each other.  and better than ever. Nothing was tearing them apart. If not did every little bump on the road make them stronger. Something that everyone noticed when Finn had gone up to Mia, telling her he still had feeling and a protective Sirius had stepped forward. After the incident had Sirius a protective arm wrapped around Mia. She new he would top if she ever said so, but the closure was something both needed. 

Ronja and remus stayed strong as always. Being even more connected after Ronja learned to turn, making it easier for her to be there during Remus low times. always helping him clean up the wounds after, and reward him with the very same chocolate he always gave her.

Even better was when the full moon was up. Although Remus hated the fact he was a werewolf, did the full-moon quickly become the best time of the month for everyone. they explored everything they could of the hogwarts grounds, using all of them different sizes of the animals to find every little secret. Peter and Ronja being so small that could almost go through every crack and james being so strong that he could push anything open. And if ever needed was Mia and Sirius a good distraction for anyone who might see. Together did they discover many secrets that hogwart hid, and they stored all of this information in what we later will know as the marauder map. Presenting Moony, wormtail, padfoot, prongs, Jumpie and chewie.


in the middle of the night if you listen closely could you hear loud barf and shrieks in the wood during the full moon. But no one ever saw the core of the sounds, people only assume the shrieking shack and other things was haunted by some terrified ghosts.

But if you ever got a look at the source for the sound would you be surprised by what you would see. Because in the middle of the wood in the night was there six being roaming around in the wild, living their best life in between essays, friendship and relations.

Two dogs, running around and playfully fighting together. One Big and black who always seemed to sneak up on the little smaller dog. Then you would see a big stag and a wolf walking Side by side like this was normal in nature. And if you look even more close would you see the two beings on their back. The wolf carrying what could only be described as a big fluff ball, also called jackrabbit. And on the antlers to the stag carrying a little rat.

If you ever saw them to this date would you have recognized them as the marauders. But they never got caught.

That was the thought Mia was thinking while she looked out the window of the train. Seeing Hogwarts slowly disappear into the horizon.

«You okay?» Asked Sirius, using the arm he had wrapped around her to wake her from the daydreams

«Yeah, just can't believe we are done» said Mia and now looking up at Sirius

«I know, who would have thought i would survive AND Finnish school» answered Sirius joking making Mia smack him in the head

«Hey, it is not nice to hit someone darlin, think I deserve a apology kiss» he said an looked down  amused at Mia

«Oh really?» Said Mia looking at him with a mischievous look. oh no, Sirius knew that look and he didn't like where this is going

« I don't think so» said Mia turning her head to tease him. Mia though she had the upperhan before Sirius decided two could play this game

«Don't you dare turn your back» said Sirius and before knew what was happening started Sirius tickling her

«OMG Sirius!!!!» Mia shrieked, getting the attention of the entire compartment who looked over at the couple. Everyone just giving each other a knowing smile like they always behaved like this. not even surprised.

«FINE, you will get a kiss» said Mia almost out of breath. Sirius knew it,  made victory dance and everyone started laughing as he 'bowed to the crowd'. And he smiled even bigger when he sat down again.

«Oh get over it already» said Mia and leaned in shutting him up with her lips before he could tease her more

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