He's like you , but you're better - pjs

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Jay's pov

I saw Jungwon talking to the costumers . They're a couple and looking for a nice car that'll be good for their family . He was smiling the whole time as he introduce our new models to the couple . I know that he'll get this one if he'll continue to wear that bright face and confidence . Oh I remember my heeseung is that cheerful too when he entertains his costumers .

I stopped thinking about him when I heard Jungwon calling me .

" Sir Jay ! Sir Jay ! " He cheerfully called me , gosh why is he so excited ?

" What is it , Jungwon ? "

" I got the deal ! Omg I can't believe it ! I really sold a car ! Wow !" He cutely clasps his both hands as if he's praying and raised it in front of his face . His eyes were large and smiling so wide . I'm happy for him .

" Woah ! You did it ! Congratulations " I patted his shoulders and he giggled then bowed at me .

" Thanks to you sir . You've helped me a lot . "

" A bit I guess , but it's all on you . You're a natural . You aced it " I praised him because it's true . He really did his best and I hope he'll continue what he is doing right now . So that , in no time , he'll be promoted . This is a good start for a newbie .

" Oh , before I forgot . We'll have a dinner later " I said and his smile faded . Did I say something wrong ?

" What ? Dinner ? You and me ? Why ? " He asked , oh shoot he doesn't remember that I promised to treat him if he can sell a car in just a week . I chuckled when I saw him confused .

" Silly . Didn't I promised to treat you a meal when you can dispose a car in a week ?! So this is it , I'm spending money for you later ." I explained so he wouldn't misunderstood . This ain't a date if he's thinking about that .

" Oh , I thought of something else- omg nevermind"

" Wait , are you thinking that I'm asking you for a date ?" I asked then chuckled . I ruffled his hair because he's cute .

" Huh ? No , umm .. see you later sir . There's a costumer " he said before he awkwardly walked away and meet the new comers . If he could sell again today , maybe I'll treat him something expensive .


I told Heeseung that I'll be late tonight , but not that late . I'm having an early dinner with the newbie and he agreed . I told him my reasons and he understands . I'm really thankful that I have him , he's an angel sent from above .

" Jungwon , don't be shy and get anything that you like . But of course , be sure that you'll eat all on your plate "

I brought him in a buffet style resto .. he nods before he went to the long table where the food was placed . I on the other hand was just staring at him . I'll just wait for him to come back before I also get mine .. I can't leave our things unattended . I have trust issues .

" Woah ! You're a heavy eater " I commented when I saw his plate . It's full . I can't even eat that much .

" You said I can take whatever I like . And besides , this is what you've paid for . We can't waste money . " Jungwon said and I couldn't help but to chuckle . He's right . I paid a bit pricey for the two of us . And we should enjoy it to the fullest but I won't eat much so I can eat with my boyfriend later on when I get home . I'm sure he'll still wait for me even if I told him not to . He's like that always . And I love him for that .

" You have a point . Now , eat . You should enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity . Because you'll never know when's the next time I'll be nice to my workmates " I said and left him alone on our table and I bet , I saw him rolled his eyes . But that's okay , it seems like a playful one .

I came back and started to eat immediately .. we paid no attention in each other and just enjoyed our food . I finished first and he's still struggling to open the crab's shell . I smiled to myself . I remembered when me and Heeseung ate a lobster and when he pulled the claw from the body , it flew to the table beside us . He was embarrassed that time because the person next table keeps hissing at us because it landed exactly on his plate .

" Are you laughing at me ?" Jungwon said , did I laugh ? Oh , I just did . I was thinking of Heeseung and it was funny .

" Oh sorry , I was thinking of something funny . Go ahead , continue eating " I said and just looked at him . He's not a messy eater and that's good .

Once he was finished , we talked a bit to let him rest . We went outside after .

" Thank you for the dinner , boss "

" I'm not your boss though . I'm just your senior . And you're welcome . Next time you sold a car , maybe you'll be the one who'll treat me ? Right ?" I said , jokingly .

" Of course ! I'll let you taste my first salary .. since you're so good to me "

" I don't eat money "

" You took it literally !"

" I was just kidding . " We both laughed . It's fun hanging out with him . It's like we're already close .

" Ahh , so here's my stop . Can you go by yourself now ?" I said politely , his bus stop is not that far so I guess he can manage . I'm already dying to see Heeseung now . I just want to go home to my safe place , it's in his arms .

" Yeah .. I can manage now , sir . Thanks again ! Take care " he said then bowed at me . I watch him walk with some passerbys then the bus came .

" Now , I can finally go home to you , my love " I said to myself as I sat comfortably by the window .

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