Finds Out You Have Been Bullied

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You were entering class when the bully Jarod knocked your books out of your hands. "Look guys its a nerd." He said pointing his finger at you. Everybody laughed. "Alright be quiet and take your seats!" The teacher yelled. "We are having a project. So team up in pairs." Like always no one wanted to work with you. You raised your hand up. You then felt a tap on your shoulder. "You can be my partner." Ashton said. "Ok" you said as you turned around. "Hey dont listen to those guys. They're jerks." He added.
Class was over. "Hi umm y/n can you come to my house tonight. You know to do the project." Ashton asked. "Sure. I'll be there at 5" you said and went to your next class.
*hours later*
School was over for the day. You went straight to Ashtons house. You knocked on his door. He opened it. "Come in." He said. You took off your jacket since his house was warm. Ya both went up to his room to do the project. While you were looking at something behind you Ashton saw the cuts on your arm. "Y/n why would you do this?" He asked. You turned around. Tears started running down your face. "Its coz of those stupid bullys. They wont leave me alone. They made my life worse." You said. Ashton pulled you into a tight hug. "Dont cry, dont worry. If you need someone im here." He said. Your frown turned upside down.

Both of yall were cuddling since you had a long day. You had received a text from one of your ex friends. It said 'I Hate you so much. You and Calum are not a perf couple. Why are you on this earth?' You put the phone down. "I'll be right back." You said. "Ok" calum replied. You went to the downstairs bathroom. There you found a blade. You started to make cuts. On one of them i did it hard. You let out a scream. Calum came running downstairs. You didnt lock the door so he just opened it. His jaw dropped. "Y/n why?" He asked. "My ex friend is bullying me." You replied. "Dont do this. Delete her number. Promise me you wont do this again. Promise?" He added. You nodded as tears came running down. He pulled you into a tight hug and kissed your head.

Michael: (this one is not cuts.)

You two went to an arcade. There you saw the school bullies. Michael didnt know who they were cos he dropped out. "Hey look its y/n. She is looking uglier than ever in that dress" they said. You grabbed Michaels hand to signal him that its time to go. "Let me finish this!" He yelled. The bullies kept making fun of you. You ran to the car. You cried. Michael finally came. "Y/n where you at?!?" He yelled. "In here." You said. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "The bullies from school are there." You replied. "Ignore them. They are bitches looking for attention." He added. You nod. He kissed your cheek and headed home.

Luke: (this is not about cuts either srry)

You went on a date with luke to the movies. You went to go get popcorn. Then the horrible boys from school were there. "Hey look its y/n or y/n and here dumb ass." They said and started laughing. You got out of line and went back into the theater. "What happened?" Luke asked. "Some dumb kids from school bothered me." You said trying not to cry. "It'll be ok y/n. You are mine and im always here for you. He kissed you on the lips. Yall continued to watch the movie.

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