Chapter Nine: Chaotic days

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So we just got a signal from the middle of nowhere. It was a Decepticon who I've never seen before. His name is Dreadwing. I think he used to be a favorite of Megatron's before he tamed me. Either way, we came to him and he was now with us.

"Lord Megatron, I live to serve," Dreadwing said kneeling before him

"Rise, Dreadwing," Megatron said as Dreadwing got up, "Loyalty such as yours is a rare commodity."

"Mine runs deep and true, yet it is not loyalty alone that brought me here."

"Oh?" I asked

"I seek confirmation of the demise of one whom I considered a brother," Dreadwing said

"How did you learn of his passing?" Megatron asked

"My twin and I shared a split Spark. We're metal, but two halves of the same life force. Even across the galaxy, I sensed when he emerged from stasis on his planet and when his Spark was no more."

Oh, this must be the brother of Skyquake. I've heard about him. Soundwave showed the events of that fateful day.

"It is true. Skyquake perished at the hands of the Autobots, though not, in fact, under Megatron's watch," I said as the video stopped at Starscream

"Then by the pit, every last Autobot on this accursed world will pay," Dreadwing said

"The Autobots will be punished for their crime, and many others, how and when I see fit," Megatron told him

"But master-"

"Conflicting agendas will only result in chaos and failure. You would be wise to remember that, Dreadwing. You are under my command now, and as such, you must follow my lead."

I know for a fact that Dreadwing did not like that. To the point that he went out to apparently finish what he had started with an Autobot named Wheeljack. He ultimately failed to kill him but he was more loyal after that. But then things got interesting. I think Airachnid wanted my spot as Second in Command because she was doing almost anything to impress Megatron. But he knew what Airachnid had done and said while he was with the Autobots to defeat Unicron. So, Megatron asked Dreadwing and Breakdown to take Airachnid somewhere to terminate her.

But only one came back and that was Dreadwing. He told us that Airachnid had escaped and Breakdown had gone missing. We can't find his signal either so that can only mean one thing. He's been killed. But we quickly heard from Airachnid asking about Breakdown. Well, that just confirms everything. And she was challenging Megatron to terminate her himself. Soundwave had tracked the signal by the time Airachnid cut herself off. Megatron left. Before he did, Dreadwing offered to accompany him but Megatron wouldn't let him. He wouldn't even let me join.

This can't lead to anything good. I couldn't wait about five minutes without thinking the worst. Airachnid is tricky and she knows what she's doing. Willing to take the consequences of disobeying my master, I ordered Dreadwing and some troops to come with me to Airachnid's location. Dreadwing reminded me of what Megatron said but I only argued that I had a bad feeling. So, we went to the mines and just in time too.

The Autobots were there and Megatron was on the floor, weak. What happened? Megatron asked Optimus if he was going to take Megatron alive or end things here and now. Optimus make his blasters appear and pointed it at Megatron so I assumed the worst. I ordered the troops to attack and surround Megatron. Dreadwing took me down safely and I took my sword out. 

"Deliver Megatron to us, and I will allow you to live," I said to Optimus

"Never trust a Con. Kick Buckethead's bucket!" Bulkhead said

"(Y/N), do I have your word?" Optimus asked

There was a long pause of me just starring Optimus down. But, I put my sword away and showed him that I had no intentions of hurting them. So, Optimus put his weapons away too. Dreadwing helped Megatron stand up. He really was weak.

"(Y/N) may have given you her word, but I did not. Destroy them!" Megatron ordered

The troops started firing at the Autobots. Megatron grabbed me and flew away with Dreadwing following.

"You disobeyed my orders in following me here," Megatron said, "You have made a fine First Lieutenant."

That gave me some relief. But that wouldn't be the last time we hear of Airachnid. It just felt like a normal, not-fighting Autobots day. Everything was calm. I was with Megatron for most of the day so far. I think Megatron is going soft on me because he always acts differently when I'm in a room or we're alone. Everything was calm with us when the alarm went off. I had to cover my ears because that was loud! Sometimes my fox-like hearing is a blessing and a curse. This is one of those times. We didn't hear anything from the troops so we continued our walk.

Well, Megatron continued the walk. I'm on his shoulder. It wasn't long before we did get a call from the troops about an intruder. To my surprise, it wasn't an Autobot, it was Starscream. He was last seen in the vicinity of the bridge. So, let's take a little detour over there. Megatron took me off his shoulder and I took out my sword just in case. We walked inside to see all the troops dead and Starscream waiting for us. 

"Megatron, it has come time to settle old scores," Starscream said

Megatron laughed, "Really, Starscream? All on your own?"


We looked behind us to see three more Starscreams. I thought there was only supposed to be one. 

"Clones? Well played, Starscream if you're even here among your underlings," Megatron said

"Underlings?" The first Starscream asked

"We are as one," Starscream two said

"Though many," Starscream three said

"Bring me Starscream's head on a stick, and I will reward you as my seeker armada leader... all of you," Megatron bargained

"No! You are trying to trick us!" Starscream three said

"Am I?"

"Is he?"

"Accept my proposal, and we all win. Otherwise, you will merely end up terminating each other to get the spoils. It is your nature, after all."

"Don't listen to him!" Starscream four said

"Prepare to perish at my hand," Starscream two said

"Our hands!" They all said

"Yes, only our combined firepower will assure Megatron's destruction," Starscream one said

They aimed at Megatron when we heard what seemed to be wing-flapping outside. Rapid wing flapping and buzzing. But I think they all heard the buzzing. The Starscreams ignored it when suddenly the ship jolted causing me and the Starscreams to fall. Now that they were defenseless, Megatron started to kill off the clones. As Megatron was ready to kill the last Starscream, the ship knocked into something giving him time to escape. Well, it was soon revealed that we were under attack by Airachnid's Insecticon army.

These are the things that almost killed Megatron a few days ago. Megatron told me to stay inside while he dealt with the bugs. Happily. But I watched the security cameras which showed the Insecticon's bowing to Megatron. That's one problem solved and a new addition to the ranks. But we then had a new problem. The ship was going down! Megatron returned to the bridge where a troop explained that the power core had been compromised. Megatron took me and held me close to him for protection as we crash-landed. What happened here?

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