Chapter Fourteen: The Omega Keys

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Megatron lost the relic. But he did destroy Optums' Star Saber with his own. According to Megatron, it shattered like glass. But I was happy to hear the bragging stop when Soundwave decoded the next location. Knockout was also happy to hear it and wondered what it could be. Megatron was ready to set Dreadwing out to find the relic but Knockout insisted that he could get it. Megatron was surprised that Knockout would risk his finish given what happened last time which he visibly cringed at the memory.

Knockout argued that he lacked the proper tools last time and, since Soundwave is occupied with the database, he won't mind if Knockout borrows the sonic blaster. It seemed to have paid off because Knockout came back with the relic. Megatron said that it looked identical to the one that Optimus took from him. I thought it was maybe a decoy the Autobots allowed Knockout to take until he said that the Autobots battled too desperately for it. Then these objects must be important if they wanted them so badly.

Soundwave then decoded another location. He's really getting better at that. Knockout was ready to get the next one thinking he had proven himself after last time. But Megatron needed Knockout here to study the new relic. He wanted to know what it is and what it can do. Now it was Dreadwing's turn to get the next relic. But he came back without it. He didn't even look at it! He explained that, once he arrived at the location, the relic was gone and so were the Autobots.

So, we need to find the last relic and have Soundwave find the Autobot base so we can take back the other two. But, when Soundwave did decode the final code, it started to make an image. This has never happened before so why now? We just waited for the picture to form. It was revealed to be... The Autobot's new recruit? He's the final relic? Either way, Soundwave's pet, Lazerbeak, easily managed to find him as he had left their base. So, Soundwave left to retrieve the Autobot which wasn't that hard.

We had him detained in Knockout's lab ready to question him. The Autobot woke up and tried escaping but Knockout had taken the relic he had with him. The Phase Shifter. Megatron ordered him to hand over the final relic but he didn't seem to know what Megatron was talking about. And this was probably the first time he knew that the last code lead to him. So, Knockout did an X-ray on the Autobot to see if he what he was hiding. It was another one of those relics that Knockout had retrieved and what Megatron lost.

What are these? Knockout used the Phase Shifter to reach into the Autobot and take it out. I tried to ask him what these relics do but he wouldn't tell me. So, Megatron suggested using a device I've never heard of until now. A Psychic Patch. It can allow bots to see into other bots heads and see their memories. So, we used that to learn that these were keys that had the power to revive Cybertron. Well, that is handly. But we need all four to do that. Then we'll just find the Autobot base and take them.

Knockout took the patch off Megatron and the new Autobot. At that point, I left to see how well Soundwave was doing with finding the Autobot base. But I would later hear that the Autobot escaped with the two keys that we had. Well, that's just great! It took us long enough to get them! But Knockout was now stuck in the wall which happened during the Autobots escape. Megatron wouldn't let him out to show everyone what happens if anyone dares to fail him. And we walked off, leaving him there. 

"I cannot allow Optimus Prime to be the one to revive Cybertron," Megatron said as me, him, and Dreadwing walked into the bridge, "we will locate the Autobot base, invade it and retrieve the Omega Keys."

"Been there, done that," Starscream said getting our attention, "please pardon my unannounced visit, Lord Megatron," Dreadwing brought out his gun and pointed it at Starscream but Megatron stopped him from shooting, "but I come bearing a peace offering."

Starscream showed the four objects. It was all four keys! How did he manage to get those? He then placed the keys in front of him.

"Few things of value come without a price," Megatron said towering over Starscream, "So, tell me, Starscream, what is it that you wish in return?"

"Only to be a Decepticon once again," Starscream said bowing.

"Dreadwing is my first lieutenant now and (Y/N) rules beside me as leader of the Decepticons."

"And I accept that much has changed during my absence. I only wish to serve you, my one true master, in any way that you deem fit."

"I am deeply impressed by your accomplishment, Starscream. And know that I will put your offerings to good use, whatever the outcome."

"Outcome?" Starscream chuckled nervously, "of what?"

Megatron ordered Knockout to be taken out of a wall. He wanted to know what Starscreams true motives were through the Patch we used on the Autobot. We saw everything that happened before and after I met Megatron. Including my capture. We also learned that he lost his T-cog to the very human we have prisoner in Breakdown's body. But, after watching everything, he was allowed back on the Decepticon ranks and he was given a T-cog transplant.

But his life was almost short-lived as Dreadwing wanted Starscream dead after learning that he brought his twin back from the dead. Megatron saved Starscream and he was made second in command again. I was allowed to watch over Knockout and Starscream's progress with figuring out what the Omega Keys do. What I would witness was absolute chaos between the two bots. 

"Tick tock, Knockout. Tick tock! Megatron is expecting results, and given what we just witnessed, I would say that we cannot afford to disappoint our master," Starscream said.

"We?" Knockout asked, "unless nagging counts, I haven't seen you lift a finger!" Knockout picked up a key.

"I am the one who brought him the keys and the fox. Do I really need to prove myself further by deciphering how they operate too?"

"Well, in my opinion, perhaps if Knockout's research hadn't been sidelined by someone's cosmetic surgery, he might be further along right now!" I snapped at him.

Starscream sighed in frustration, "oh, just give it here!"

Starscream tried to pry it apart before banging it on the table making me fall. Knockout decided to be sarcastic about Starscream's idea but got some karma when Starscream swiped the key on Knockout's finish. The one thing Knockout is protective of. Angry, Knockout grabbed a key ready to hit Starscream but the keys collided and connected.

The two got the idea to do the same with the other two and it showed a hologram of Cybertron and a location pointed out in red. We showed it to Megatron who figured it out. Keys are useless without something to unlock. We need to go to Cybertron and find that location.

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