1 First Time

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Sirens blasting in my ears. All I see are flashing lights. My fingertips are too frozen to move, yet my lungs were on fire. The smell of gasoline was consuming me.Who am I? Where am I? My greatest fear started to laugh at me, taunt me, and found its way inside my head. Oblivion. The single most frightening human experience. Still unaware of my surroundings anxiety crept in and took control of my thoughts. I was laughing senselessly. Laughing because I was afraid, afraid of death. It seems that all of my senses have failed, just wandered off without me leaving me stranded. I could not tell whether my vision was gone or if I was too weak to open my eyelids.The only instinct is to run, but my legs refuse and stayed still. I tried to scream, yet nothing came out. My voice had escaped, and choking on words has never been so painful.
What had felt like hours passed, the deafening sirens finally stopped and the strange light died out, fire I assumed. I laid lifeless on the cold ground not able to control my own body. Fog or maybe smoke cleared up in the sky. Finally I became one on one with the sky; the night staring back at me filled with beautiful life. A smile came across my face as I strained my neck to see the moon, the bright pale dot in the sky is too unclear. I could not help but laugh; is this really it? My life is not complete, I haven't experienced life. Tears started leaking from my eyes, with no control. This couldn't be the end.
"Lucas. Lucas." I whispered. Please hear me.... Please hear me. I prayed. Nothing happened, everything was still, everything was dark and getting blacker. I could no longer see the stars or the moon. The darkness from what feels like a bottomless abyss surrounds me. Lucas could never hear me through this; darkness is not suppose to be a matter, but as of now I swear I can feel it. Touch it. Is the dark doing the same to Lucas? I wondered as I slowly dozed off once more.
"Come on... Come on," I struggled to open my eyes at the sound of a voice in the distance; it's calling for me. Once again my brain can not perceive any sense of time.
"Salina wake up, wake up," with still no use of my physical body, I am however alert. The stranger's voice was no longer coming from the distance. The voice was deep and unfamiliar. Salina, the voice spoke. But why? I remember, my name is Mary.
I yelled as I finally gained control of my body. Bringing my hand to center of pain on my head, I realized that blood dripping down my face. I am dazed and confused. I looked up and could no longer see the moon, yet piercing blue eyes were staring back at me. Shocked at the stranger's appearance and an unlikely coincidence, I tried to move my legs and escape. But the dark haired boy gently wrapped his arms around me and softly spoke:
"I'll never let go, I promise you're safe with me." Bursting into tears I let him in because I am too afraid to be alone. Still holding on to me I looked at him trying to capture in the face of my savor, sadly could barely make out his face in this darkness. The boy wrapped around me however, suggested a strong young figure.
"Am I alive?"
"Yes, shh, you're okay. You're safe with me," he says it again, "You're okay." His eyes really did reassure me that everything will be, it gave me a sense of comfort. There was something I felt that I could not explain. How is any of this real?
Letting go and moving in front of me, he asked me for my name.
"My name... it is Mary," my body is starting to shake and I have no control
"Holy shit," he whispered under his breath, thinking I could not hear him. It seemed as if he became as panicked as I am. Yet his eyes still gleamed blue. He took his shirt off and lifted it up to my face.
"Wh..what are you doing," panicked as to what this stranger was doing.
The grey shirt now stained with my blood made the kind stranger whence, as if the boy is squeamish of blood. What is he doing here? It is as if this boy has a lost of words, he soaked his shirt with my blood yet seemed to resist letting me get a clear look at him.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded to know. Being in the condition that I am, I can clearly perceive my surroundings best I could. The middle of nowhere. The teenage girl part of me is forcing me to believe this dream, yet the sensible part of me argues that there is no coincidence this boy is here, nor is any of the situation real. Yet this situation continues, and for me is not getting better.
The boy stopped the bleeding on my head and ripped the sleeve off his now stained shirt and tie it tightly around the wound on my forearm. I caught another glance at him, his eyes looked oddly darker than before, and sweat dripped down his pale face. Why won't he speak?
I started to feel very faint, breathing became difficult and once more I choked on words. Everything is blurry, and the moon was spinning. The dark haired boy bit his wrist and everything went dark.

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