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It was nearing the end of cheer practice, five minutes left to be more precise. There are about 15 of us sweat out of every pore on our bodies sitting on the school's old stained blue wrestling mats in the gym, while some of us girls were pretending, others were mimicking M's warm down stretches. As I stretched my legs into the last position, butterfly, I felt a burning sensation between my things; yet it was a good one, the type of feeling one gets after accomplishing a rewarding workout. Peering over the blue folded bleachers upon the gym's far war hung a clock that read 4:00 on the dot.
As I got up, not even realizing where Ryan came from, she startled me.
"You feeling okay Mare?" she asked in a kind tone, being sincere.
"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" I flashed a smile at Ry. I wasn't entirely okay, but silly for not being. It has been almost a week since I met Chase, and I'll probably never see that boy again. It sucks because I thought, or maybe it was just me, that we had a serious connection, as if our souls clicked together. It is silly of me to feel this way, that's why I also don't feel the need to burden Ry with my stupid boy problems; after all it seems as if Kai has been talking to me a lot lately. In fact he sits next to me in all the classes we have together.
M walked over to the two of us as we all headed over to the girls locker room towards the left side of the gym. Luckily we are not stuck with cleanup duty this year. That job is left to freshmen and sophomores, they get to roll up and put away those hand me down, sweat covered, blue mats. Those poor girls won't get to leave till 4:45. I sympathize, yet agree with this hierarchy of seniority.
"Well you better be okay Mare, you have to come out tonight, with us girls!" M is very excited for the night ahead. Ryan's boyfriend, Ty, is throwing of his notorious parties. Being rich and all he scored us an abandoned house in the middle of SouthSide woods. It is a brilliant idea, given that the SouthSide woods were deep and at the edge of town, no one will catch us. The Robison family acquired their wealth through generations, the Robison family literally haven't had to work for 5 generations yet many of the men have became Oneonta's own mayor. Currently Mr. Tom Robinson has been mayor for one term and the whole town loves him.
Snapping back to the conversation I responded back to the girls:
"Yes of course I am coming guys!" I said cheerfully as Ry opens the locker room door.
"What are you guys telling your parents?" I ask.
"I'm staying at Ryan's," M spoke very sarcastically as she changed into her new Harvard shirt. Harvard is M's dream school and if she can't get in her dreams will be crushed; everyone on her mom's side of the family practically went to Harvard, and of course all of them are doctors, accountants, lawyers etc.
"your place," Ry expressed towards me.
"I'll say Ry's place too." I smiled.
"Awesome! I'll pick you girls up around 8!" M says as we grab our stuff and continue to walk out of the locker room.
When we go to parties we tend to sleep in a car at the party instead of going anywhere to be safe.
We walked out of the locker rooms second door on the far end, leading us to the student parking lot. The light blinded us as we walked to M's car. Like me, we both can drive, yet neither one of us have a car to drive around town. At least M gets to borrow her mom's.
Ryan claimed the passenger seat of the black car and hopped in as her bow tied ponytail bounced. She is wearing the cheer team's new bows that of course M picked out and everyone loved. Well at least claimed to love to spare feelings, or most likely spare their own reputation because everyone knows that Michelle Wagner can destroy anyone in seconds. Personally, I loved the bows that were picked out this year. Deep gold with a touch of diamond sequences to match the school colors, blue and gold for the Oneonta Yellowjackets.
M pulled out of the parking lot blasting the new popular song 'Slow Hands' by Niall Horan, with all the windows down, all of us singing as loud as we can. We know every word and it is great!
"Tell Ty to play this song tonight!" M yelled to Ry.
The atmosphere my friends create makes me think 'screw boys,' I don't need a man when I have Ryan and Michelle by my side. Although Ry has a new boyfriend and M is a piece of work, i know that they will always be there for me.

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