v. "stop fellating the Washington monument"

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ㅤㅤㅤKEEPING THE LIVING liability that was Wally West alive turned out to be the most difficult part of the entire trip. In the span of fifteen minutes, he'd almost been run down by a car three times (almost taking Dick with him on the second occasion) and by the time Dick had managed to drag him across the final street towards the obelisk, he was beginning to feel the strain. If this was what Barry felt like every time he stepped outside, it was no surprise that Allen could get so tightly wound: Wally was like a coiled spring stuck in position, never dissipating the energy keeping it there.

Really, he was a walking hazard.

But on a lighter note, the Washington Monument was cool. Up close, where Dick could really appreciate the craftsmanship of those who had built, it was even better. Cleaner than the last time he'd seen it. He really did have to admit, it was much less of an eyesore when it wasn't covered with interdimensional sentient insectoid guts.

Dick was staring up at it through the gaps between his fingers as he shielded his eyes with a hand. Even with designer shades the sun proved too bright and he could hardly get a good look at the whole structure. The brunette could practically feel Wally buzzing with excitement beside him, desperate to run himself to the peak of the building and take in the view. Dick couldn't exactly relate with that level of extreme glee.

He twisted around, head spinning with the imprinted glare from the sun, to tell his friend to quit it: It wouldn't do anyone any good - except maybe the tabloids - to have Richard Grayson seen with a metahuman. Especially a red-head speedster, oddly reminiscent of a certain quick-paced sidekick. Too many questions would be raised. Dangerous questions, if they lead to identities being revealed.

"Wally, could you keep still? For just one second?" Dick barked quietly, scoffing as the boy rolled his eyes and continued to shift his weight from leg to leg. "I'm serious, KF. Someone'll see you."

"Relax, dude! No one's going to take a second look at some fidgeting kid. Happens all the time."

"Not when the fidgeting kid's feet are tapping faster than they can blink," Dick snapped, slamming a heel down atop Wally's foot. The other boy let out a short, sweet growl of pain, yanking his appendage away with a huff of irritation. "Stop."

"Could've just asked," Wally mumbled and Dick sighed, watching as his fingers began to tap periodically against his thigh.

"I did."

"Ask louder, then."

"If you listened the first time I wouldn't have to -"

"Oh my god, Dick! Hey, Dick!" 

"A-nd it begins," Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair. Wally's eyes snapped towards him, green eyes glittering and off-put.

"Who the hell is that?" Wally said dubiously, leaning into Dick's space as though he were trying to hide the younger boy. Dick craned his neck to peer past the red-head, squinting at the dark figures emerging from around the monument. One of them was... far too recognizable. "Do you know them?"

Dick huffed out a tired laugh, scratching at his neck as Ned Leeds broke into an awkward, stumbling jog towards them, abandoning his peer group. The ugly, mustard-yellow blazer's tails flapped dramatically in the wind like a cape: "I know him," Dick announced quietly, pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head. He shot Wally a careful glance, spying the cautious look on the boy's face. "Don't do anything weird."

"I do what I want, pipsqueak," Wally grumbled, taking a tiny step backwards to allow Dick room to breathe. The speedster folded his arms across his chest, trying to appear intimidating, as Ned slowed to a huffing walk in front of them. "I still find it weird that you're, like, a celebrity. I mean, who wants to take a picture with you?"

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