Lucifer's Son - Chapter Three.

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Alright, I have a feeling of this life living hell. Nope, but I'm going to put some conflicts and consequences in this book also. As Christmas is incoming, Marshall.. will perhaps change a little bit.


Nobody really included Lucifer's son to hate Christmas more than anything, but if I'd say it myself, he does more than anything else. Completely of my thoughts, I swapped seats with another Dutch lady. I sighed.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"This," she said, trying to touch my arms well trained, muscles.

"Thanks, but I'm gay," I replied, big interested in anything more she'd like to say.

"Oh? Want some advices of flirting? Like.."

"What are you wanting away from me? Some kind of blind date, that isn't a date but it actually is, without me knowing or something? Then I'd decline that offer," I replied. "Now shut up you bitch."

The lady scoffed, crossing her arms.

"If I was you, I'd watch what I was saying. I have a guy, you know, and he's way much more stronger then what you are," she snickered.

"Awh, so you're using him for protection and to control?" I replied.

"N–no I mean, he wouldn't get to know, if he did, he would just beg to be my boyfriend anyway. Just like you will do."

I rolled my eyes, and wrapped my arm around Chase, for comportment.

"You're mad, what's wrong?" asked Chase.

"Bitches," I replied, with a rye roll.

Chase sighed and leaned his head against my shoulder as we continued watching the Christmas show. It was awfully boring, but I had to act like enjoying it, which was.. good.

"Chase? What would you do if someone.. was something you didn't expect them to be?"

"Why'd you ask?" responded, Chase.


He seemed to buy that and sighed. He inhaled and exhaled.

"At first I'd be confused, little bit upset why they didn't tell it immediately when becoming friends. Then I would process it and probably accept the person itself," he replied.

I nodded. He really is something. Process and upsetting, as well.. confusion really suit in him.

"Really? But.. what do you think about the devil, Lucifer?" asked I then.

"You're also into something like that? I think he's awesome. Image meeting his son.." replied Chase. "Must be a lucky guy."

'Love, you've already met him.'

"Not so lucky as I am," I replied.

"Stupid," giggled Chase, cutely.

The show continued for another half n' hour, which got me even more tired of it. My distraction was messing around with new bitches, and asking Chase questions here and there. Only thing is, I kept my arm around Chase, providing he's mine, and only mine.

Finally, the show ended and I yawned.

"That was.. something," I said, out in boredom.

"It was like the Grinch, but different," replied Chase.

"I- sorry for bothering but, Sir. Is this your best friend?" asked another guy.

I turned around, facing someone I've never seen.

"No, he's my boyfriend. Why'd asking?" I replied.

"No reason. Uh, mind if I exchange numbers with him.."

I gazed at Chase, who was looking terrified.

"Would you do anything to keep him safe.. from your cringe side, or anyone else if that's coming to the situation?"

"Different thoughts about that question. But if there's a possibility I'd sacrifice everything I had just for.. friendship, yeah.."

"Firstly, may I ask you.." I said as I stood up. "Why does he look so terrified of the sight of you, if you would suppose to be his friend?"

The man, growled underneath his breathe.

"I don't see the reason he would be terrified because of me. I haven't seen this.. person ever before," the man said.

"Listen. I don't fall for bitches. You better leave before you regret even starting a conversation with me," I replied, pinning my eyes in his.

I felt how Chase gripped for my hand, and I grabbed his.

"Just let me exchange numbers with him and I'll leave you both to be alone," said the man.

"If my boyfriend isn't comfortable with exchanging numbers with someone like you, I'd say no. Ask one more time and I won't hesitate to end your life in public."

"You can't do that. You're to weak. Just look at you!" said the guy.

"Repeat it," I replied.

My fists was burning with anger now. I didn't want to spare this guys life, even though he was so mostly close to be innocent. If Chase wasn't comfortable around his surroundings, I weren't going to spare him.

"If you weren't to weak, you would've attacked me by now. But yeah, afraid people never make the first strike, and you'll probably run just like everyone else does, Scaredy Cat."

'Show him no mercy, Marshall. Go all in.'


The scene of blood was awful to Chase, but I loved it. The guy held his noose with his hand, shivering a little bit.

"I wasn't even trying to punch you hard. Whose the weak one now?" I said, with a slight smirk.

"You bastard! You will pay for this!" roared the guy.

"Make me," I replied.

"Just you wait," he spat, with a long lasting look in Chase's eyes.

"Touch him and I'll show you no mercy," I spit, making my voice darker. "Mark my words."

Soon as we left the show, and went to get some nice fried rolls, Chase sighed.

"You didn't have to almost kill someone because I was uncomfortable," he said.

"Of course I had to. Sorry sir, don't look terrified in that way. Here's the money. Yeah, keep the change."

"Woah, thanks dude. Considering hanging out sometime?" asked the shops man.

"Sure, here's my number," I said, as I wrote it down.

I handed him the piece of paper and grabbed our fried rolls, leaving the small shop.

I handed Chase his fried rolls, and we continued walk down the road.

"Is there something else you'd like to get, or are we done?" I asked.

"Let's get back to lookout, if there's nothing else you want to do."

"Nah I'm fine," I replied.


Late update, but a long chapter. Do y'all thing Marshall did right when beating this guys ass, and who was he.

Meanwhile, with the shops guy.. he seemed like someone you easily could fall in love with, but never judge a book by its cover, I'd say.

Now, thanks for reading another chapter.

Not me planning on adding a Christmas special chapter to this book. Why else would I write something Christmas-y in a book all of suddenly.

Ugh, I'll shaddap now.

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