°Surviving The Aftermath°

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- Characters have been aged up to 29 -

P.S: Inspired by the 'My little pony: A new generation' Movie that came out a few months ago.


Edit: Yo! If you're here, just wanted to let you know that this has been edited as of 13th September 2022! So it actually makes sense now.

If you've been here before it was edited, there will be some differences.


Anxiety and worry began filling her body and mind, her heart beating fast. She wasn't sure if he'd made it or not. She just had to hope for the best.

Mina Ashido, one of her closest friends since their youthful years at UA, noticed her worrying expression and possible signs of upcoming hyperventilating.

"Ochaco? You alright there, honey?" Mina asked in worriedly, slightly shifting her fork on the dinner table.

Mina's concern in her question interrupted her own thoughts. "H-huh? Oh!" Ochaco quickly suppressed her worries and put on a 'genuine' expression.

"I'm alright, Mina. Thanks for asking!" Ochaco reassured her and began eating the Mochi she prepared for herself.

Mina wasn't quite convinced, but she didn't push it. "Alright, if you say so..." She then began to eat her own meal Ochaco prepared for her.

To put it simply, Ochaco Midoriya, publicly known as the Gravity Heroine, Uravity, and by her closest friends as the late All Might's former successor, was worried. Worried for her husband.

Her dear husband, Izuku Midoriya, had fled and remained in hiding after the worldwide quirkless genocide that ended 4 years ago.

It was an event that took place nationwide. Many, including herself, were against it. It was a controversial matter, but ultimately, the majority agreed that the quirkless were "a waste of space", and needed to be removed.

So, based on a tally's results, the higher-ups decided to launch a world war lll on the quirkless, declaring that they be eliminated.

She was horrified that that many people would be willing to let an entire generation die for their own selfish desires. She knew it wasn't just her, that many other people had the same view as her. And unfortunately, there was nothing they could do.

If any one of them spoke up, they could kiss their chances of ever living a stable life goodbye. Their chances of leading a successful life would be next to impossible, courtesy of the HPSC making their lives very much harder.

She was a coward. A coward for not speaking up. A coward for not helping. A coward for not being a good role model that she should be. A coward for not saying "This isn't right!"

She remembered an old quote she'd heard about once in school.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

A chill suddenly ran down her soul as the painful memories returned.


" I-izuku, wait! " He stopped. She ran towards him, tears in her eyes, with their first child wrapped in her arms.

" Please... Take her with you..." She gave him their 2 year old daughter, her light green hair slightly showing.

" You'll have her with you. I'll keep our son, Toshinori..."

" Ochaco... I love you so much... " He hugged her tight, both their tears running down their cheeks as they held their daughter close.

" I'll be back. I promise."

And then, he and their daughter disappeared.


The news was turned on. They had done it.

" Ladies and gentlemen, the quirkless population has finally perished! "

The news reporter said with enthusiasm.

Ochaco would never forgive what the corrupt HPSC, and the world, did.



Ochaco suddenly woke up to the sound of a child whining. "Mom!" She slowly sat up on her bed.

"What is it, Toshi?"

"You said we were gonna go to the doctor to see what quirk I got!" Her 5 year old son whined in annoyance.

She looked at him. His viridian eyes and chestnut hair shined in the bright-lit bedroom. They reminded her too much of Izuku.

"Alright, just wait for me to get ready."

"Yay!" Toshinori jumped with joy with her mother agreeing with his request, and happily skipped to the living room.

Ochaco stared at the open door where Toshinori had exited. She was grateful she at least had what was left of her love, close to her.

'Izuku...I really hope you're alive.'

She knew what to do that day.


"Dad! Hey, dad!" Reiko called out to her father, who was at his desk in their average-sized refuge home, located in a small village populated with fellow quirkless survivors.

"Hm?" Izuku put his pen down, and looked over to his 6 year old daughter. "Yes, dear?"

"... When will we go back to mommy?"

Izuku was unsure of how to answer the painful question she asked.

"Hm... I'm not sure when, or if it's even possible."

"Aww, why not?" Reiko whined with curiosity and sadness in her voice.

"I'm not sure, but..." Izuku crouched to his daughter's level and brushed her short, curly green hair.

" You'll understand when you're older."


A trash idea that I had 2 months ago, but I hope you like it anyways lol. Also let me know if you happen to find any spelling mistakes or grammar errors.

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