🍋Midnight Research🍋

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Author's note:

I'm so sorry this update took longer than it had to! I didn't know how to go about this chapter so please just bare with me 😭

And I already started writing exams, which will continue for 3 whole weeks, kill me now 😫

And y'all, I had NO intention making it this long, 3k+ goddamn words, bruhhh 😭💀

Anyways, enjoy 🩷


Class 1a were talking among themselves as Midnight handed each student a folder.

"Okay, class! Listen up!", She intentionally increased the volume of her voice just enough to grab the attention of the students and all murmurs had gradually ceased.

"As you can see, I've handed you all project assignments that count towards your final mark at the end of the term! These are all due next week. Make sure to read all the instructions, and don't leave it until the last minute! If you have any questions, you can come ask me at my desk."

The class murmured among themselves from this announcement, and discussed whether there was enough time to complete it, Midoriya especially. Based on their weekly class schedule, they only had Midnight for Modern Art History on Wednesdays and Fridays. He'd have to ask on what day of the week the project was due.

Luckily, someone else did it for him.

"Miss Midnight!", Iida called out with his arm raised,"On what day next week? We have you for both Wednesdays and Fridays."

"Ah, good question. On..." Midnight quickly checked her schedule to decide before finally answering,"Friday, dear."

"And how many marks is it worth?"

"About 60."

The entire class gasped in surprise from the idiotically high mark count.

"60!? That high!?" Kaminari cried out.

"That's way too high for just a single project!" Sero followed with.

"Or, you can forget about passing Modern Art this term. Pick wisely," Midnight said in a frighteningly happy tone, almost as if she was telling them "Try me, I dare you". The class promptly went back to muttering quietly among themselves.

"Wow, never knew Midnight could be that threatening." Ochaco appeared beside him.

"Yeah..." Izuku sweatdropped.

"Good on Iida for answering all our questions for us, right?," Ochaco nervously chuckled as she sat next to him in his desk.

"Heh, I guess. I'm just worried if I can finish this project in time. A week and a half doesn't really seem like a good amount of time for a project worth 60 whole marks."

"Yeah, I get what you mean. Teachers can be so unreasonable sometimes..." She made sure to quietly whisper that last part, so Midnight wouldn't hear and menacingly stare her down.

"By unreasonable, I think you mean Mr Aizawa. Compared to him, Midnight's being generous."

They both chuckled at the small joke.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Ochaco perked up,"we can both work on our projects together in my room back at the dorms. Sounds good?"

"Sure, why not." Midoriya accepted her offer, not realising that this one decision would lead to a whole rollercoaster of events to occur next.


One boring class later, Class 1a finally arrived to their dorms. The majority were in the common room, which meant that the hallways leading to the dorm rooms were completely empty, with Ochaco and Midoriya being the only ones there in her dorm room.

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