🍋Villain X Hero 🍋

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Author's note:

If you're wondering, yes, this chapter is exactly what the lemons in the title implies, so uh...Smut and explicit warning 😁

I was kinda hesitant on posting this now...but didn't wanna leave you guys hanging, so have this!

Every one-shot that has this sort of content will have lemons in it's title incase you want to skip, so just wanted to let you know.

I won't do this type of content a lot, so don't get used to it.

Also, this is my first time writing smut haha.... So sorry if it's bad.

Anyway, back to the chapter:


Description (so I don't lose it):

After an unlucky encounter during a patrol hero mission, Ochaco begins a scandalous affair with one of the most dangerous villains. A one-night stand quickly turns into a romantic relationship, one that she knows, all too well, cannot be found out.

How will our local gravity hero-in-training handle it all?


Ochaco Uraraka didn't mean for this to happen.

She never meant for any of this to happen.

None of this was supposed to happen.

If memory served her right, she had been on another training mission with Ryukyu, The dragon hero, along with Froppy and Nejire-Chan, wearing her new hero costume.

Their tasks had been to patrol the city of Musutafu after dusk had fallen. The three had intended to keep watch together, but in the end decided to patrol separately since they'd be able to watch over multiple areas while Ryukyu monitored them using their trackers, according to Nejire.

The 3rd year had much more experience, so she didn't question it. The more lives were saved, the merrier. Right?

She had already patrolled around the streets and along the roof tops, watching carefully from above and below to see if any pedestrians were in need of aid.

However, everything seemed to be in control, so she decided to check the dark alleyways, where she was more likely to find a potential victim in danger to save.

She was starting to regret that decision.

She had crossed paths with the infamous S-rank villain, Deku. How he found her, she had no clue.

Though she knew one thing, and that was to apprehend those who went against the law in order keep the city, and the world, that much safer, and that included the green-haired evildoer whom she had come across.

She tried her best to be in control, to end this conflict quickly. But he managed to dodge her attempts at catching him, and he pinned her to the wall.

He had caught her. She was trapped, no where to turn.

He looked straight into his eyes, his cocky smirk shown on his face. She in turn glared at him with hatred, which only fueled his ego.

He'd try to flirt with a "Hey princess~" and " 'Sup, Angel face?" Tch. Like she'd ever fall for his charm. Or so she thought.

They had exchanged snarky remarks and smart insults at each other, trying to find ways to annoy the other. However, against her wishes, her face started blushing a deep red from how close his face was. He laughed at her for it.

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