Chapter 1

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Tuesday, January 26th 4:06 A.M.

Regina woke up abruptly, she jumped up from her queen size bed and ran to her bathroom and threw up. Henry had a bad dream and walked into Regina's room to hear her throwing up. "Mom what's wrong, do you need anything?" Henry said worried. Before Regina could tell Henry not to call Emma he yelled "I'm calling Ma" as he ran out of her room to go get his phone from his room. Regina got up to stop Henry from calling Emma, but another wave of nausea hit her. 

Emma and Killian woke up to Emma's phone ringing. "Don't answer it." Killian said grumply. "I have to it's Henry. Something's most likely wrong its 4 in the morning" Emma said. "Whatever" Killian said and rolls over. Emma answers her phone but before she can get a word out Henry says " Ma there is something wrong with Mom she is throwing up" Emma jumps up. "Henry I am on my way." "Ok Ma please hurry" Emma holds the phone to her ear with her shoulder and slips on some warm pants. "I will be there in five minutes." Emma says and hangs up the phone. "Where are you going" Killian says. "I am going to Regina's, she is sick." Emma says and puts on a sweater. "So what, what does that have to do with you ." "Because she is my sons mother and my bestfriend and my son is worried." Emma disappears in a white cloud of smoke and appears in Regina's bathroom. Killian is beyond angry and starts cussing.

"Regina how are you feeling, and pain or dizziness." Emma asks and Regina just nods her head. "Kid go get me a washcloth and wet it with cold water and ice chips." "Ok Ma" Emma helps Regina clean up since she is to weak to tell Emma not to help.  Emma helps Regina to her bed. "Thank you Emma but you didn't have t..." "No you don't even finish that sentence. You are my bestfriend, Henrys mother, and your sick. I know I don't have to but I want to." "Here you go Ma." "Thank you Henry, go back to bed you have school in the morning. I'll have your grandmother to come pick you up before school and I'll stay here to take care of your Mom." Henry nods his head and goes back to bed. She looks back at Regina and sees she has gone back to sleep. Emma puts the wet washcloth on Regina's forehead and covers her up. Emma gets up and moves a chair beside Regina's bed and texts her mother. David texts Emma back and says that Snow is sick with food poisoning to and that he will take Henry to school, Emma thanks him and hopes her mother feels better soon. Emma soon falls asleep in the chair.

Regina's alarm goes off and wakes both women up. Regina tries to get up and Emma stops her. "I have to get Henry up so he can get ready for school" Regina says. "No you rest I will get him up and Dad is going to take him to school." Regina nods and Emma goes and gets Henry up and ready for school and David shows up to take him to school. "Bye Mom, Ma love yall." Henry and David leave Emma locks the front door and goes back up to check on Regina. "How are you feeling." "Cold" Emma gets another cover and puts it over Regina. "Better?" "No still cold" Emma thinks for a second and then lays beside Regina and cuddles up to her. "Better now?" "Much better." Emma smiles. "Sleep Regina I'm going to be here until you get better." Regina nods and falls asleep.


Henry woke up saturday morning and went to check on his mothers but he heard the doorbell ring and when he answered the door Killian walked through the door. "Where is your Ma." Henry has a feeling Killian is mad about something so he says "oh they are both still asleep but I can go wake Ma up and tell her your here" "No it's fine, just tell Emma I need to speak with her." "OK I will" Killian storms out of the door angry. Henry locks the door and goes to check on his mothers. He sees that they are both asleep and both have a smile on their faces so he takes a picture and sends it to the OPERATION SWANQUEEN group chat.

Ruby: awe

Zelena: did emma finally dump guyliner 

Henry: no

Snow: awe they look so cute together how is your mom feeling

Z: yes how is my sister

H: im not sure they r still asleep

R: guyliner just walked into granny's brb


R: UGHHH he's drunk henry go tell emma to come collect her boyfriend 

H: ok 

Henry wakes his moms up and tells them that Ruby has asked for Emma to come get Killian and take him home. "Emma go I'm feeling a lot better" "You sure" "Yes now go before we have a wolf terrorizing the town and a dead guyliner" "OK I'll call you later to check on you" Emma leaves in a white cloud of smoke and appears in the middle of granny's diner. "Thanks Ruby" "No problem Em" Emma and Killian disappears in a white cloud of smoke and reappears in Emma's and Killian's bedroom. 

"Killian what the hell is wrong with you it is 8 in the morning. Why are you so drunk right now. I got woke up this morning to come get your drunk ass for the diner before the town had a pissed off wolf rampaging through town and a dead pirate and possibly lots of injured people at granny's." Emma yells at him. "Well if my girlfriend would come home and stay with me instead of running off in the middle of the night to go take care of The Evil Queen just because she has food poisoning then I would not b..." "How did you know she had food poisoning, nobody in town knew that." "Because you stupid cunt I'm the one that gave Regina and your mother food poisoning although giving your mother food poisoning was not my intension, I was tryingto get rid of that bitch." "Why would you do that? Don't answer that I'm leaving for a while your stuff had better be gone by the time I get back!" Emma turns to leave. "Ohhh no you don't whore" Killian pulls Emma's hair making her fall backwards onto the floor. He kicks Emma in the ribs multiple times and then straddles Emma and starts hitting her in the ribs, stomach, and head over and over again even after Emma loses consciousness. After about ten or so minutes Killian leaves the unconscious, bloody and bruised savior on the ground and leaves, making sure to close all blinds and locking all doors so nobody can find her before he gets back.

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