Chapter 2

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A few hours later Emma wakes up with a headache and sore body. She can hardly breathe or see so she disappears in a white cloud of smoke and reappears in the middle of Dr. Whale's office. She falls to the ground and cries out in pain. Whale jumps up in surprise. "Emma oh my god what happened?" He picks her up and carries her to one of the rooms. "I need a nurse in here immediately and someone calls the Deputy right now." He yells from the room and a nurse comes in the room and immediately starts to get all of Emma's vitals while another nurse tries to call Regina. "Dr. Whale nobody is answering at the station." "Then call the mayor and tell her to get here immediately." "Yes sir." The nurse rushes out and calls Regina. Regina looks at her phone seeing that the hospital is calling her and she answers.

Regina: Mayor Mills speaking

Nurse: Madam Mayor Dr. Whale has asked me to have you come here immediately.

R: And why should I do anything that weasel asks?

"CodeBlue get x-rays and the OR ready right now we need to find out what is going on with Ms. Swan right now." Regina hears Whale yelling in the background.

R: What in the hell is a code blue and what does that have to do with Emma.

N: A Code Blue is essentially a euphemism for being dead. While it technically means "medical emergency," it has come to mean that someone in the hospital has a heart that has stopped beating. The outcome statistics are grim. Even with perfect CPR, in-hospital cardiac arrests have a roughly 85 percent mortality. Those that somehow survive are often left with irreversible brain damage and lie in comas. Few ever leave the hospital. Death is greedy. I'm sorry Madam Mayor.

Regina hangs up the phone and jumps up. "Henry call your grandparents and tell them to meet us at the hospital." "Yes ma'am," Henry calls them and tells them. Regina teleports herself and Henry to the ER in a purple cloud of smoke.

"Henry go sit in the waiting room and wait for your grandparents I'll explain everything as soon as they get here." Henry nods and Regina goes to the nurse's station. "Madam Mayor, Ms. Swan is in surgery still." "Let me back there now." "I'm sorry ma'am I can't do that." "You will let me back there or you lose your job!" "I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you back there or it could risk Ms. Swan's life." "Fine but I expect to be the very first person to be notified the moment she comes out of surgery." "Yes ma'am." "What exactly happened to her." The nurse explained to the Mayor that Emma just appeared in Dr. Whale's office in a white cloud of smoke bruised and bloody. The nurse then went on to explain everything wrong with her that the nurse knew. Regina goes back to the waiting room and fills the Charmings and Henry in on what she knows."

"So see just appeared in his office like that? Wasn't she at your house this morning?" "Yes David she was, but Ruby had asked Henry to have Emma come get Hook From the diner this morning because he was drunk." Regina and Henry tell them what happened that morning. "Also this morning before you and Ma woke up Hook was there asking where Ma was and I told him that she was still asleep but I could go wake her up and tell her that he was here but he said to just tell her that he needed to speak with her and then he left. He seemed like he was mad." 

About an hour later Henry has fallen asleep in one of the chairs. "It's getting late Regina do you want us to take Henry home with us so he can sleep comfortably?" "Yes Snow that would be great and I'll call as soon as I know anything," Regina says worriedly. "She will be ok I promise. She is a fighter." "How do you know she will survive?" "Because I have hope." "But if your wrong and she doesn't?" "Hey because she has something to fight for. As soon as you hear something let me know and I will tell Hook because I'm sure he's gonna be worried if he doesn't hear from her soon." Regina nods and the Charmings and Henry leave.

After a few minutes, Whale comes to the waiting room. "She is in recovery. She had a collapsed lung, internal bleeding, a minor concussion, 7 broken ribs, her arms are fractured, cuts all over, and multiple bruises. Now I won't know if there will be any problems with her memory until she wakes up. Whatever happened to her it was bad. You can go sit in her room with her but let her sleep and don't let anyone in there unless it's me. I will personally come to check on her because something just doesn't feel right about any of this and I know you won't leave anything to happen to her. She is in room 24." Regina nods and goes to Emma's room and is immediately pissed at the sight of her. She puts a protective barrier over the room. Regina pulls a chair up beside Emma's bed and grabs her hand. Regina eventually falls asleep holding Emma's hand. 

The next morning Emma wakes up and tries to look around and sees Regina sleeping in the chair while holding her hand, so she squeezes her hand, Regina jumps up. "Emma you're awake thank god," Regina yells for Whale to get in the room and turns to Emma. Dr. Whale comes into the room and does a complete checkup on Emma. "Well her memory seems to be fine and if she continues to rest she can go home in a few days." "Thanks, Dr. Whale." "No problem, I'll be in my office if you need me," Regina calls Snow and updates her, Regina then turns to Emma.

Regina tilts Emma's chin up to get a better view of her face. Running her thumb delicately over a cut on Emma's lip, saying nothing as she examines her face. After a brief pause, Emma's heart skips a nervous beat as Regina looks her in the eyes. Her anger was barely restrained. 

"Who did this to you?" But before Emma could answer someone walked into the room and Emma tensed up in fear. Regina noticing Emma's reaction turned around to find none other than Killian Jones. 

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