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爆豪 勝己

"I still can't believe I'm stuck on night duty with you," you grumbled as you and Bakugou made your rounds around the agency

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"I still can't believe I'm stuck on night duty with you," you grumbled as you and Bakugou made your rounds around the agency.

"Tch. Don't think I'm jumping at the chance to spend all night with you," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

You knew he was just being Bakugou, but the comment still made a sharp pang in your heart.

"If it weren't for your bum ass, you wouldn't have to," you snapped, coming off a little colder than you wanted.

You saw something flicker in his eyes and, if only for a moment, he looked the tiniest bit hurt by the comment.

'I must be seeing things.'

"'Scuse me," a small voice interrupted as you two made your way to the front.

You both turned your heads to where it came from, a small boy peeking his head out from behind the stone fence.

"Whaddya want, brat?" Bakugou spat, cocking an eyebrow.

"Be nice," you hissed, smacking him upside the head.

You walked over to the boy and crouched down to his level. 

"Hey, what's your name?" you asked sincerely.

"Katsuma," he answered, looking down at his feet.

"Hey, Katsuma. Why are you here?" you asked again, ignoring the feeling of two holes being burned in the back of your head by a certain somebody.

"Um, to tell you that... there's a villain!" he said quickly, gripping onto the strap of his little, yellow messenger bag.

"A villain? Whe-?" "Alright, brat, start talking!" Bakugou shouted, completely interrupting you.

爆豪 勝己

You buried your face in the back of Bakugou's neck as you piggybacked on him, cursing yourself for your childish fear of heights.

"Can you not try to choke me, (y/n)? I need to breathe to be able to fight the villain," he asked sarcastically as he set off another explosion, propelling himself further forward.

"I'll loosen my grip when we land!" you exclaimed over the boom, earning a light chuckle from him.

"Hey, where is the damn villain, anyway?" he sharply asked Katsuma, who was tucked under his arm.

"Um, over there, in those castle ruins," Katsuma answered softly, pointing to part of the island not too far from where you were.

"You coulda told me that sooner!" Bakugou shouted, setting off an even larger explosion to get there faster.

𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐔 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃, 𝐤. 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now