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爆豪 勝己

You walked into the main conference room where all of your classmates were gathered, looking depressed as ever

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You walked into the main conference room where all of your classmates were gathered, looking depressed as ever.

"Jeez, it's like a funeral in here," you said sarcastically as you walked in, trying to lighten the mood.

"(y/n)! You're okay!" Mina happily exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and running over to you. 

She pulled you into a tight bear hug, and you winced at the pressure she made on your arm.

"Um, maybe not so tight, Mina," you strained. 

"Oops! My bad! Sorry," she quickly apologized, rubbing the back of her head.

"We're glad to see you're okay, (y/n)," Iida firmly nodded to you.

You took it as a sign to take a seat, and sat down on a box as Iida picked up where he left off.

"Here's the current situation. Communications are down and the electrical grid is destroyed. We can't call for help," he started.

"I made a drone earlier. It'll send an SOS message once it's close to the mainland. But the flight is at least six hours. Plus, even after someone comes across it, the heroes will need time to assemble and travel to us," Yaoyarozu stated weakly, sitting up from her spot on the couch.

"In the meantime, I doubt the villains are gonna sit around and wait," Ojirou added.

"Right now, our top priority is to protect the people of the island. If that means fighting villains, so be it," Iida chimed.

"Yeah but how?" Sato asked.

 "The one guy beat up Midoriya and Bakugou so much that they almost didn't survive," Mineta said, completely panicked.

His comment made something in your heart sink, but you ignored it for the moment.

"Four of us took on the beast. And that wasn't enough," Todoroki continued. 

"And our numbers are dropping. Yao-Momo and Kaminari both used up a lot of their quirks already," Jirou reported, turning to a short-circuited Kaminari who sat in the corner.

"We know there are at least three villains left, but there could be more," Tsu stated. 

"If they attack us together, we probably don't stand a chance," Kirishima sighed.

"It would help if we knew what the villains were after," Iida stated quizzically. 

"Mhmm. Then we could come up with a plan," Uraraka agreed.

"I know what the villains are after. It's me," Katsuma chimed.

Everyone turned their gaze towards the door to see Katsuma and Mahoro standing there. 

𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐔 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃, 𝐤. 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now