He never dies...|Tommy

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"Tommy...? Come on Angel, wake up..." Purpled said weakly, lightly shaking his platonic husbands cold body.

Everyone around them seemed surprised. They never knew about their marriage, since they only did it in paper and didn't bother having an actual wedding. And if they did, they wouldn't hold it in the DreamSMP nor invite anyone from there. Purpled had purple glowing tears roll down his cheeks, with some of his alien features showing due to the strong emotion he was feeling. This was the first time they've ever seen him so broken, so helpless, so....incomplete.

Tommy's body after revival had changed drastically. Back then, he couldn't be poisoned as he intentionally poisoned himself when he was younger so he could 'build up immunity'. His body was as warm as the sun and his heartbeat had a calm rhythm. After he had died, his poison immunity had dramatically decreased, his body became cold like a corpse, while his heartbeat became shallow, almost as if he wasn't beating at all. A dead man walking on the face of the earth.

"Angel please! Wake up! Shroud and Kiwi need you alive! I NEED YOU ALIVE!!" he pleaded, holding the boy closer to him.

His pulse was completely gone. The song of his life had finally finished. Though at the wrong moment, as if someone had played a wrong note and accidentally made everything else stop working. This wasn't how he was supposed to die. This wasn't the right time. Karl was in distress. He had tried everything he could to prevent the blonde from his wrong deaths, but he failed. He failed again. He would have to face the Goddess of Death again.

"Purpled I–" Eryn tried to take his friend away from the dirty blonde's grasp but Purpled just pulled him closer.

"No! Don't touch him!" He yelled out. Making everyone else back away, even his own brother, Punz, backed away.

"You don't get to touch him after everything you've all done! You monsters need to learn that he's changed!"

Purpled picked up his husband and teleported away from the SMP, and into Death's forest. It was the only place where nobody could enter without permission from Lady Death herself. And since Tommy was her son, it only made sense that he was allowed in. In the forest, Death's magic was stronger than anything, which also applied to the blonde as he too, was Death.

Eryn looked at everyone and could already tell what all of their thought were.

I shouldn't have done that with him nearby -Niki

XD....what just happened... -Sapnap

Theseus is married...? -Technoblade

He's dead...again... -Tubbo, Sam, Ranboo, and Puffy

He's gone?! -The Eggpire

"Guilt huh? Funny how it only appears when he's dead" chuckled Eryn, rushing towards Death's forest with Hannah and Bommer not far behind.

Tubbo fell on his knees. He had just watched his best friend slowly die in front of him. And from a poison arrow of all things. He used to be able to take 50 hits from poisoned arrows before he would eventually feel sick and throw up. Ranboo tried to comfort his husband but he couldn't think straight. His allium had just withered away, Tommy didn't even fight it. He just slowly accepted the fact that he was dying and that he couldn't do anything about it. Sam was speechless. His son. His own damned son just got killed by his older sister figure, Niki Nihachu. How heartless can people be these days. Puffy was sobbing. Tina was comforting her but she didn't even know how to react. She might not have interacted with Tommy that much but she could tell that he was a good person. How could someone just kill an angel with no hesitation? She asked herself.

Many of them didn't know how to react. Like Callahan, Vikkstar, Hbomb, Ponk, and many others. They might not have talked to him much, but they knew he was good kid and that he always put others before himself. Vik doesn't understand why people would call Tommy selfish. He literally sacrificed everything for everyone. He even gave away his own freedom just so the others could live peacefully. He was one that Dream considered his equal. His hope. A light. The key. How could they not understand that he was the reason why everyone was even alive?!

"Are you feeling alright Angel?" Asked Purpled, putting his hand on the blonde's back to help him sit up.

Luckily, the magic of the forest managed to help Tommy come back. Also probably since Lady Death didn't want her only son to be dead. The younger was still very pale, but for some reason his body became less cold. For the first time in a while, he could hear the beating drums from his heart. He held the older's hand and nearly cried when he realized that life was slowly seeping into him once again. Even if he was the son of Death, living beings such as animals and plants tend to follow or appear wherever he went. He sometimes joked around about the fact that he was like a Disney princess and that Purpled was his prince charming.

"'m fline.....jush shick..." Tommy wasn't really able to say words properly but his husband could already tell what he was trying to say.

"Alright, you should keep resting, I'll go talk to Deo" after Purpled put the other in a comfortable position and kissed his forehead, he went out the room.

There he saw the youngest descendant of Herobrine sitting on the floor, playing with his 2 kids. Though it hurt to look at his slime child, Kiwi, they always reminded him of Slime. That was still his kid, and he would love them no matter how hard it might be. Deo looked up at the alien and saw the change in color of his antennas and gave him a sad smile. He stood up and offered to watch Tommy while he spent some time with his children.

"Thanks Deo, I really appreciate it" said Purpled, making his way towards the 2 kids playing with each other.

Deo went inside the room where the blonde was resting in and sat on the chair that was next to the bed. He took off his sunglasses and placed it on the bedside drawer, he held Tommy's hand and admired his resting face with his pure white eyes.

"They all think you're dead Boss..." Deo said sadly "You can't walk around the SMP anymore..."

He lived...

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