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Tommy had recently figured something out about himself. Whenever something happened that would seem like a bad choice, something would show up in front of him. It looked a lot like the respawn button but a bit different as well.

Would you like to reset?
Yes         No

He was a bit surprised to say the least. The moment he had joined the DreamSMP was the first time it had appeared. It never appeared when he was in other servers like 2b2t or SMPEarth so it was shocking. When it did appear, he clicked the No option. Why would I want to reset if I just got here? He thought to himself.

When he first met Dream, it appeared again. He clicked on No again. There was no reason for him to reset, nothing was going on, he was just talking to who seemed like a good man. Why did it keep popping up?

He was currently walking around the new server he had joined in on and he saw Badboyhalo by a lake. Tommy decided to say hello and made his way to the demon, but once he was about a meter away, it appeared again. The blonde groaned and clicked No yet again. He finally reached the hooded man and started to introduce himself and get to know the man.

It's been a while now since he's joined the SMP, he asked if his friends could come and Dream agreed. He was currently waiting for a close friend to come in while messaging Sapnap in his communicator. When he met the rest of the Dream Team, the reset button appeared again but he picked No still.

After a few minutes, he sees glowing in the middle of spawn. He could already tell who it was just by the forming of the figure.

WilburSoot joined the game

Tommy immediately tackled the him to the ground. He's missed his brother quite a bit. Wilbur just chuckled and started patting the blonde's back. Once the younger pulled away, he saw the most annoyingly familiar thing pop up in front of him.

Would you like to reset?
Yes       No

He obviously picked No. Why would he reset now that his brother was here? No way in hell is he doing that!

When Wilbur had suggested that they make
a country, it appeared yet again. But this was begging for him to choose yes...

Yes         No

Why did it change? Tommy asked himself. But despite that, he still chose No. It would be a waste if he reset now. He had his friends, a home, and a lot of things to keep him safe. What would be the point of a reset?

They were currently facing a bit of a problem with their country. They didn't have independence, and Dream didn't want to give it to them. Tommy was sitting under a tree, thinking about how he could help them get their independence when the option to reset had appeared.

It's been appearing way more ever since their disagreement with the DreamSMP. The blonde sighed. He knew the country his brother made would tear the brunette apart but he was too caught up in his own head to realize it. The teen sometimes wondered what it would be like if he had stopped Wilbur, if he had chosen Yes instead.

MCYT Oneshots(Mainly Tommy Centric) Where stories live. Discover now