Twin Ghosts|Tommy

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The day Tommyinnit took his last life, was the day when the whole server was in a weird sense of quiet. The young teen's death was a boulder to the face for everyone, nobody ever expected him to poison himself to death. That was the end of the Era of....peace. And it was the beginning of the End.

After Tommy had died, many grieved over his death. Hell, even Jack Manifold and Niki Nihachu were grieving. When Dream heard the news, he wanted to scream, scream until he lost his voice. The key, his equal, his last bit of hope, was gone. His plans would never work without him, he was the key to everything, the key to power. Some were in denial, like Philza, Technoblade, Tubbo, and especially Quackity. He didn't take the blonde's death so easily the first time, and it only got worse the next.

It was a week after the blonde had passed away. His house was never touched. The Eggpire didn't feel satisfied. Yes, they wanted him dead because the egg wanted him dead, but the egg wasn't satisfied with how he died. Nobody went anywhere near the crater that once was L'manberg, choosing to stay away from the last place they saw the blonde ever be truly happy.

A week after Tommy died, 2 unknown entities appeared. One of them appeared in the center of the L'manberg crater, while the other appeared in the remains of Logstedshire.

The entity in L'mancrater looked around 15 years old, it had white hair with a few black strands, it wore a white long-sleeve and a oversized red shirt. Their eyes were a cloudy blue that perfectly portrayed the sky, their skin was grey and see through, and four more unknown floating entities surrounded it. The white haired entity had a huge smile on its face as it looked around where they were.

The being walked away from the crater and onto the Prime path, looking around with a big smile. It didn't take long until someone found them though. And that someone just so happens to be Awesamdude.

The creeper hybrid thought his eyes were playing tricks on him until the entity stood in front of him with the same wide smile on it's face. Sam felt tears threatening to fall as he looked the being in front of him. can't be... Sam thought to himself.

"Hi Sam! I'm Toast!" it said with a childish tone.

Sam took a step back, confusing Toast.

"H-How do you know my name...?" he asked.

"Hm? Oh! Because you're my dad! You took care of me"


"Sam...?" said another voice from behind the creeper.

Sam turned his head to see Captain Puffy standing just a few feet away from him and Toast. Her eyes were trained on the entity behind him, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks.

"SAM! IF THIS IS ONE OF YOUR DROIDS THAN STOP! IT WON'T BRING HIM BACK!!" Puffy yelled as she walked over to him.

"It's not! And if it was, than I would've made it more like him!" Sam said, just slightly raising his voice as to not scare the being.

"Puffy? Hi! I'm Toast!" chimed in the entity, not being able to read the atmosphere.


The other entity remained in exile. They looked to be around the same age as Toast. It had jet black hair with a few white strands, it wore a long brown coat, similar to the one that Wilbur wore in Pogtopia, with a white shirt underneath, dirty brown cargo pants, and black and white shoes. Their eyes were pure black, dark as the void and it shined like the night, their skin was pale, unlike Toast's grey appearance, this entity was surrounded by darkness and hatred. They were solid and not at all transparent, it had only one of those floating entities following it around.

MCYT Oneshots(Mainly Tommy Centric) Where stories live. Discover now