It was meant for me...|Tubbo

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Time traveler Tommy Pog!! Let's go!!

Tubbo catches his best friend as he falls. His chest was bleeding from the arrow that was plunged into it, he didn't like seeing this. His friend would die. Tommy would sacrifice himself to save him, even if it should've been the other way around. It should've been him saving Tommy, the arrow should've hit him, he should've been the one dying. Tears were blurring his vision, looking at his best friend's face, it was covered in blood and dirt.

"Tommy...Tommy please....Don't die! I CAN'T GO BACK LIKE YOU CAN!! If you die....I won't be able to live a life....please..." he pleaded, he pleaded as tears streamed down his eyes.

The blonde put his hand on his best friend's cheek, he was shaking, he was scared, cold, and happy...he was happy that he was able to save Tubbo at least once. The brunette cried, he couldn't do anything, everyone else was busy, he had to accept that his best friend would die in his arms. It hurt him, it hurt more than the fireworks his best friend's brother fired at him, it hurt more than anything he's ever felt before. It was pain unlike any other.

" your life....that's all I want you to do..." Tommy said weakly as a single tear rolled down his cheek "Tubbo please....I...go to my house....basement....barrel....clock...."

Tubbo panicked. He lightly shook his friend while trying to see if he had any medical stuff in his bag. There was none. He cleaned out his bag just the night before since the both of them were supposed to go camping.

Tommy rubbed his thumb in circles on the older's cheek and said "Toby....You were my anchor....the one that kept me grounded....the reason why I haven't gone bad shit crazy" he chuckled lightly but immediately let out a painful groan remembering the arrow in his chest "Remember Tubs...You're my best friend...and I would sacrifice myself a million times more to save you....I care about you—" he was interrupted by the sudden pain coursing through his body.

Just to Tommy's luck, the arrow was poisoned. Since he got revived, poison and such take a bit of time before they set in. Considering that his body was practically a maze that made the effects wonder inside of him, not really hitting anything important.

"Tubbo Underscore. I-I Th-Theseus give you permission to use the c-c-clock of the u-universe...." Tommy was stammering but he could care less about that.

He was currently transferring some of his own devinity to his best friend. He would allow Tubbo to see the past, present, and future, though he couldn't interact with them as he could only watch. This was something he was sure that he wanted to do. Tommy went back to reassuring his friend that everything would be fine and that he would still be able to live a life even without him.

Tubbo POV:

"Tommy...." I hated how broken I sounded, I never want Tommy to hear me like this.

I'm supposed to be his blade and shield, not the other way around. I saw him begin to close his can't!

"Tommy! Stay with me! Let's wait until Ranboo gets here alright?! Don't close your eyes Tom!" I pleaded for him to stay but all I got was a weak "I love you man..." and that was it.

His hand fell, his eyes were shut, his breathing stopped, and the white streak on his hair started to fade into a deep dark purple. He was gone. The ray of sunshine that I tried to protect with my life....was now laying lifelessly in my arms. I failed. I failed miserably.

I feel like my soul was taken away from me and shredded into pieces just by the way I'm feeling right now. After a moment of silence, I let out a scream. And Prime did it hurt.

MCYT Oneshots(Mainly Tommy Centric) Where stories live. Discover now