Chapter 1: Just Act Natural

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Catboy(in his mind): Easy Catboy, you can do this, just go in and not let Night Panther take control of you this time.

Catboy: "Alright, let's do this".

*He heads inside HQ with roses and chocolate strawberries and blushed as Owlette was reading a book in his level*

Catboy: "I can do this, just go up to her and give her the gifts".

Owlette: "Who's there".

*Catboy blushing*: "Uh...hi Owlette".

*Owlette blushing*: "Oh hi Catboy, what are you doing here, I thought you were taking the night off".

Catboy: "I wouldn't take the night off if I couldn't see you, here, I have these for you".

Owlette: "Awwww, thank you so much, I love you my brave cat"!

Catboy: "I love you too my sweet owl"!

*As they were done exchanging words, the began kissing, but soon, Gekko arrived*

Gekko: "Oh hey Catboy and Owl-".

Catboy: "Oh...h-hi Gekko".

Owlette: "It's not what it looks like".

Gekko: "Nevermind, I'll look in my level".

*As Gekko headed back into the elevator and went down to his level, Catboy and Owlette continued kissing*

Catboy(in his mind): So far so good.

Catboy: "Hey Owlette, you wouldn't mind if I went outside"?

Owlette: "Of course, anything for my sweetie".

Catboy: "Great, thanks".

*As Catboy headed outside, he could feel Night Panther taking over, and he transformed into him*

Night Panther: "Yuck, who kisses for that long"?!

Catboy(in Night Panther's head): "Me and Owlette do, so deal with it"!

Night Panther: "Don't you ever speak to me like that again, do you want me to get rid of your powers"!

Catboy(in Night Panther's head): "No".

Night Panther: "Then I suggest you be a good little kitty, and hush, now, we're going to the museum to steal the world famous Delta Diamond".

Catboy(in Night Panther's head): "Fine, as long as you let me take control after tonight".

Night Panther: "Deal, Night Panther Speed"!

*Night Panther raced in and out of the museum with the blink of an eye, holding the Delta Diamond, and hid it where no one would ever find it, the moat*

Catboy(in Night Panther's head): "Alright Night Panther, a deals a deal, let me take control again".

Night Panther: "I suppose you're right, here you go".

*And he transformed back into Catboy*

Catboy: "I'm just going to pretend that never happened".

*As he heads back into HQ, he sees Gekko and Owlette watching a movie*

Catboy: "Guys, what are you doing"?

Owlette: "We're just watching the new Master Fang and Flossy Flash crossover".

Catboy: "Oh cool, can I join"?

Gekko: "There's always room for one more".

Catboy: "Aw man, but it's almost daytime, and we heroes need our sleep".

Owlette: "You're right, come on Gekko".

Gekko: "Coming".

*They all headed back to their houses, transformed back into their daytime selves, said goodnight, and feel fast asleep, meanwhile Connor had a bad dream about Night Panther hurting his friends*


Night Panther: "You should have just followed me and done what I asked, but you refused, so now you have to pay the price"!

Catboy *crying*: "Please don't"!

Owlette and Gekko: "Catboy, save us"!

Catboy: "I'm coming, SUPER CAT SPEED"!

Night Panther: "Uh uh, Night Panther Stripes"!

Catboy: "Whoa"! *falls*

Night Panther: "Don't worry, I'll make this nice and quick, Night Panther Claws"! *Slashes Owlette and Gekko*


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