Chapter 2: The Case of the Missing Diamond

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*The Next Day*

Greg: "Hey Amaya, have you seen Connor, he won't answer my calls"?

Amaya: "Yeah, he's feeling a bit under the weather, so he's staying home".

Greg: "Aw man, he's gonna miss the field trip to the museum".

Amaya: "Speaking of which, let's head to school now".

*When they arrived at the museum after being dropped off by the school bus*

Teacher: "Oh dear, sorry kids, the museum's closed, someone took the Delta Diamond".

The students: "Awwwww, nooooooo"!

Amaya: "We better check this out, PJ Masks, we're on our way"!

Amaya and Greg: "Into the night, to save the day"!

*After they transformed and headed to HQ*

Gekko: "Hey PJ Robot, do have eyes on the diamond"?

PJ Robot: *Robot noises*(nothing yet)

Owlette: "Don't worry, we'll take the PJ Rovers and find it".

*So they took the PJ Rovers and looked all around the city, but couldn't find it*

Gekko: "I can't believe we couldn't find it".

Owlette: "It's not at the Library, the School, Mystery Mountain, the Toy Shop, or the Park, where else could it be"?

*Then, Gekko had an idea*

Gekko: "Why don't we ask some of the villains".

Owlette: "Not a bad idea, look, there's Romeo over there".

*They run towards Romeo*

Owlette: "Alright Romeo, where is it"?!

Romeo: "Where's what"?

Gekko: "The Delta Diamond that was stolen last night"!

Romeo: "Oh, I don't know".

Gekko: "Fine, but I got my eye on you".

Owlette: "Alright, Romeo's off the list, who's next"?

*Meanwhile with Luna Girl*

Luna Girl: "I just love watching montage's of my favorite lizard".

Gekko(*whispering to Owlette*): "I got this".

*Gekko walks over to Luna Girl*

Gekko: "Hey Luna".

Luna Girl(*blushing*): "Oh...hi Gekko, what do you...need"?

Gekko: "I was wondering if you knew anything about the Delta Diamond that was stolen last night"?

Luna Girl: "Oh no, I don't know what happened to that".

Gekko: "Aw man, well, that's okay, we're still having that moon date on Saturday, right"?

Luna Girl: "Of course we are, I love you my handsome lizard boy"!

Gekko: "I love you too my sweet moon princess"!

*Gekko walks back over to Owlette*

Owlette: "That was so romantic, how did you do it"?

Gekko: "Catboy taught me a thing or two".

Owlette: "Speaking of Catboy, where is he"?

Gekko: "He told me he's sick, so he's not gonna be here for a few".

Owlette: "Who's next".

Gekko: "Night Ninja".

*Meanwhile with Night Ninja*

Night Ninja: "Okay ninjalinos, breathe in, and breathe out".

*Gekko and Owlette charge into Mystery Mountain*

Gekko: "Not so fast Night Ninja"!

Night Ninja: "What do you want PJ Pests"?

Owlette: "Where's the Delta Diamond"?!

Night Ninja: "The what"?

Gekko: "The Delta Diamond that was stolen last night".

Night Ninja: "I don't know, ask someone else".

Owlette: "Darn it, that's everyone".

Gekko: "What about the other villains"?

Owlette: "They're taking the night off".

*They soon rushed back to Romeo*

Romeo: "What now-".

Gekko: "Romeo, we need you to pull up the museum's security footage from last night"!

Owlette: "But call the other villains first".

Romeo: "Okay, Robot, call Luna Girl, Night Ninja and PJ Robot".

Robot: "Calling Luna Girl, Night Ninja and PJ Robot".

Luna Girl: "What now Romeo".

Night Ninja: "This is the second time my meditation was interrupted"!

PJ Robot: *robot noises*(what do you want)

Romeo: "Come to the Toy Shop, we need to talk".

All of them: "Fine"!

*After they all arrived at the Toy Shop*

Night Ninja: "Why are the PJ Masks here, we already told you, we don-"!

Gekko: "Hold on, we might know who stole the diamond".

Luna Girl: "How"?

Owlette: "Romeo, pull up the security footage".

Romeo: "You got it".

*As Romeo pulled up the footage, they saw a person in a black cat suit with white stripes*

Gekko: "Tell me that's not Catboy".

Night Ninja: "Its not".

Owlette: "Hey PJ Robot, can you pull up HQ's security camera".

PJ Robot: *robot noises*(of course)

*As he pulled up the footage, the saw the black suit kid putting the diamond inside the moat*

Gekko: "The moat, of course, why didn't we look there before"!

*They all headed back to the PJ Masks HQ, and Gekko dove inside and grabbed the diamond*

Gekko: "Got it"!

Owlette: "Now let's put this diamond back where it belongs, PJ Masks all shout hooray"!

All of them: "Cause in the night, we save the day"!

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