Chapter 8: Do I Even Know You Anymore

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*It was Day 2 of Greg and Amaya not talking to Connor after their fallout last night*

Amaya: *yawn* "I think today might be a great day, as long as I don't talk to Connor, and talk to Greg and my other friends, I should be alright."

*Then her phone began ringing, it was Greg*

Amaya: "Oh hi Greg."

Greg: "Hey, are you feeling ok after last night?"

Amaya: "Oh yeah, getting all that rage out of my body made me feel much better."

Greg: "Same here."

Amaya: "Wanna do something?"

Greg: "Sure, some ice cream could help us get over our recent break-ups."

Amaya: "Yeah, getting some ice cream would be nice, lets go."

*They both got dressed and made their way to the ice cream shop, but they saw Connor heading their way."

Connor: "Hey guys."

*They ignore him*

Connor *in his mind*: I deserved that.

*Later that day, Greg and Amaya were watching a movie in the park, and Connor comes and says hi to them, but they only said a few words to him*

Greg: "Sorry, but we don't talk to villains."

Amaya: "Its like we don't even know you anymore Connor, so please, leave us alone."

*And they walk away to Amaya's house."

Connor: "I have to tell them the truth at some point."

*Back at Amaya's house*

Greg: "So what did you want me to come here for."

Amaya: "I was thinking you and I could have a slumber party."

Greg: "That'd be awesome."

*A few hours later, it was nighttime, and Greg was at Amaya's house*

Greg: "What should we do first?"

Amaya: "Why don't we watch a movie?"

Greg: "Okay, what genre?"

Amaya: "How about...romance."

Greg: "Not a big romance fan, but if its for you, then of course."

*As they were watching the movie, Amaya was cuddling with Greg, and both were blushing*

Greg: "You know, I'm starting to like romance movies now."

Amaya: "That's great, we should do this again another time."

Greg: "Really?"

Amaya: "Yes really."

Greg: *yawn* "I'm starting to get pretty tired."

Amaya: "Me too, oh yeah, one more thing."

Greg: "What?"

*Amaya kissed Greg on the cheek and they both blushed*

Greg *blushing*: "W-what was that for?"

Amaya *blushing*: "That's for being a good friend."

Greg: "I don't know what to say."

Amaya: "How about goodnight."

Greg: "Oh yeah, goodnight."

Amaya: "Goodnight."

*And they both fell fast asleep, but they didn't know that Connor was watching it all, and he was heartbroken*

Connor: "No no no no no no, 2 days and she already found someone else, she's supposed to be in love with me, not Greg!"

*And he transformed into Night Panther*

Night Panther: "This city will pay!"

*And Night Panther was speeding all around the city, wrecking and breaking stuff until he thought the city suffered enough*

Night Panther: "That should teach it."

*And he raced back home and transformed back into Connor*

Connor *crying*: "This isn't fair, I should be the brave one, not Greg."

*And Connor cried himself to sleep, again. The next day, Greg and Amaya were in the park again, watching all the kids play*

Amaya: "Should we go and play."

Greg: "Nah, I'm good where I am."

Amaya: "Awww."

*Suddenly, Connor walks up to them*

Connor: "Hello you two."

Amaya: "Connor, for the second time, please leave us alone."

Connor: "No, not until I get answers."

Greg: 'What are you talking about?"

Connor: "I was watching you too last night, and I saw everything. Amaya, you really chose him over me?"

Amaya: "One, that's so creepy of you, and two, I only kissed him to thank him for being there for me."

Greg: "We aren't going to put up this nonsense anymore Connor, either you stay away from us, or else you will never see us again."

Connor: "But."

Amaya: "No buts Connor, so what's it gonna be, leave us alone, or never seeing us again."

Connor: "Leaving you guys alone."

Greg: "Good choice, come on Amaya, lets go to the movies."

Amaya: "Right behind you Greg."

*As they were leaving, Connor felt sadder than ever*

Connor: "Aw man, I feel really bad now, you know what, tomorrow, I'll tell them the truth."

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