Chapter 5: Night Panther's Big Heist Part 2

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*Meanwhile with Night Panther and Romeo*

Night Panther: "We meet again."

Romeo: "Hello my loyal follower."

Night Panther: "I brought you a little present."

Romeo: "Oh, what is it?"

*Night Panther shows Romeo the cat amulet*

Romeo: "Very nice of you, where are the other two?"

Night Panther: "I have a plan on how to get them."

Rome: "Do tell."

Night Panther: "I'm gonna go to each of their houses and steal them."

Romeo: "Not bad, go and make me proud."

Night Panther: "You won't regret this."

*So Night Panther sped off to Amaya's house, when he made it, he watched as she slept peacefully*

Night Panther: "Hey beautiful, time to claim what's mine."

*And he takes the amulet and she didn't wake up*

Night Panther: "Good luck trying to be Owlette now."

*And he sped off to Greg's house*

Night Panther: "Hey lizard legs, this belong to Romeo."

*And he takes the amulet without waking him*

Night Panther: "You won't be Gekko for a long while."

*And he dashed back to Romeo*

Night Panther: "Here they are, the other two amulets like I promised."

Romeo: "Impressive."

Night Panther: "The best part is, they didn't wake up."

Romeo: "Heroes never wake up they get back from saving the city."

Night Panther: "So how long will it take to set them up?"

Romeo: "About 5 days."

Night Panther: "Why?"

Romeo: "Because first, I need to create the bases for the amulets, then, I have to copy and paste the powers from the original amulets into the new ones, then, I have to download the data from the chips into the amulets, giving them their color, then, I have put them in small pods to finalize the data, and boom, they'll be done.

Night Panther: "Will there be any new features?"

Romeo: "Yes, you and your friends will have extra powers."

Night Panther: "Oh I can't wait, what should I do in the meantime."

Romeo: "Just let Catboy take over for a while until they're ready."

Night Panther: "Seems simple enough."

*And Night Panther races back home and transforms into Connor with him not knowing what happened*


Amaya (on her walkie-talkie): "Greg, Connor, do you guys read me?"

Greg: "Yeah, what's the matter?"


Greg: "MINE IS TOO!"

Connor: "MINE AS WELL!"

Greg: "How are we going to change into the PJ Masks?"

Amaya: "Beats me, we've got to get to the bottom of this."

Connor: "But how?"

Greg: "I think its best If we don't look into it, since nothing big happened last night."

Amaya: "Your right, lets just go through the day like normal."

*After the day was done*

Connor: "So, does anyone have anything?"

Greg: "I came up with something."

Amaya: "Go ahead."

Greg: "What if PJ Robot took them to make a new upgrade on them?"

Connor: "Not bad, what about you Amaya?"

Amaya: "Nope, nothing."

Connor: "But PJ Robot would've told us before taking them."

Greg: "OH NO!"

Amaya: "What's wrong Greg?"

Greg: "I have my date with Luna Girl tomorrow, she can't see me like this!"

Connor: "Your right, well figure something out in the morning, goodnight PJ Pals."

Greg and Amaya: "Goodnight."

Night Panther (in Connor's head): "Are they asleep?"

Connor *tired*: "Yes."

Night Panther (in Connor's head): "Good, I wanna do something."

Connor *tired*: "Fine."

*Connor transforms into Night Panther*

Night Panther: "I'm just gonna leave them a little note."

*He write the notes saying: "Thanks for the amulets," From, black-suit kid, makes them into paper airplanes and throws them at their windows, landing in their rooms*

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