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I wake up feeling better than I did the night before. I can finally move around without shaking badly, but I still have some trouble. I also regained my ability to talk. I woke up around 9 o'clock and I am almost out of bed when, almost on cue, Tony prances in.

"Uh nope, get back into bed, doctor's orders," he scolds. Reluctantly, I get back into the bed, this time I sit against the back of my bed. He makes his way over to me and without saying anything, he hands me a box. My hands tremble when I try to lift the lid, but I get it under control and open the box. When I open the box, I notice two small hearing aids. With my hands trembling slightly I put them in my ears. I hear a loud ringing, then it stops.

"So, do they work?" He asks. I smile back.

"Yea, they do," I answer excitedly. "It's crazy, I was just going to ask you if you had any extra hearing aids." He chuckles.

"I pulled all the stops on this one. You can listen to music and you have your own AI assistant. You can ask it to do things by saying its name," He tells me.

"What's its name?" I ask.

"That's up for you to decide, for now call it AI and when you have a name tell it. Anyway, I have a meeting to attend so I have to go. Have fun," he hugs me not too tight, afraid he might hurt me. They think i'm so weak, when he leaves I'm going to try and walk. Just to prove them wrong. He walks out of the room, and I don't even wait a second to rip out my IV and get up. My foot slowly touches the wood boards on the floor and I slowly bring both of them to the ground. I'm half sitting on the edge of my bed and half standing. So, more of a squat. Okay, let's do this. I slowly lean forward and put my weight on the balls of my feet. I slowly get up and then I quickly lose my footing and fly forward. Almost instantly, I grab the side table next to me and I stabilize myself. That was close. Were my reflexes always that good? I regain my balance and take another step. I am doing good, then a sudden noise in my ear startles me and I fall to the floor.

"Incoming call from Tony/best avenger," the voice says. That must be the AI. Is that what he named for his contact?

"Uh," I groan from the floor. "Answer it, I guess." I really need to name this thing.


"How did you know about that... shoot, you installed a tracker didn't you," I chuckle.


"Hey, AI lady, please hang up," I ask.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE USING MY OWN AI AGAINS-'' he yells, but is cut off. Ahh yes, silence. I slide back into my bed and decide to learn more about the AI lady.

"Hey AI lady, got any name suggestions?" I ask.

"No, I'm sorry. I am not programmed for that," she responds.

" Remmi? No. Kari? No. OOO Hannah!" I exclaim. "AI lady, your name is Hannah."

"Thank you Robin," she responds.

"I think it's time to figure out what else you can do. Let's listen to some music!" I tell her.

"What would you like to listen to?" She asks. I look around my room and see all the posters Wanda put up.

"The Arctic Monkeys?" I say. What type of name is that? The sound fills my ears and for about three minutes almost all of my worries are gone. Then the song ends and I'm brought back to reality. "Woah, what song was that Hannah?"

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