throwing rocks at your window at midnight

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Ugh I cannot believe my mom is making me move to San Francisco from New York. My mom got a new job at a record company and now she's forcing me to go with her. I don't even know anyone there how will I survive? Right now I am on the plane looking over the window. There is only an hour left of the flight and I'm contemplating life. My name is Lyla and I'm 18 and my dad left us when I was three so I do not have much memory of him. My mom being a single mom had to change jobs a lot to be able to raise me.

LATER THAT DAY /////////////////

we finally arrived at our new house. It was in the suburbs a couple minutes out of Sydney. It was only the afternoon so there was time to explore. The house was bigger than my old apartment in New York. I walked in and opened the door. My room was pretty big and I was excited to decorate it. I dropped off my bag and I walked outside. The moving truck was arriving tomorrow so i did not have my stuff yet. Across the street was a boy around my age. He had red hair with a fringe. "OI!" he yelled while waving to me. "Hi?" I said confusedly. "are you the new bloke?" he asked. "u-um yes" I said. "I am having a Party later tonight you wanna come? I can introduce you to my mates!" . "sure why not?" i said. "Great newbie ill see you at 10! Do not be late!" He yelled.

I went home and I did not know what to wear. I flipped through the clothes I brought and I decided on a black tennis skirt, knee high socks, a white cropped shirt, black boots , and denim jacket. I put my blue hair in space buns. The clock read 10:20pm. "whoops i guess i am late" I whispered under my breath. I took my keys and walked out. I walked over to Michael's house and knocked on the door. two minutes later a kid with curly blonde hair and a marvel tank opened the door. "Hi! your the new girl mikey was talking to me about." he said. "um yes thats me! Im lyla!" I reached my hand out to give him a handshake. he ignored my offer and took my arm, shoving me inside. "im ashton!" The house was filled with people. Girls in their bikinis, guys playing beer pong and people making out on the couch. This is going to be a long night i though to myself.



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