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He stepped into the pub, a smile on his face. Looking handsome in a buttercream shirt.

He could hear the loud lyrics of a song, playing from a speaker.

Ignoring the flirtatious stares that he got from the seated ladies but what could he do, he was too gorgeous.

   "My usual please,"

He ordered, taking a seat and staring at the pub owner, who was vibing to the song. 

 Whose name he had forgotten.

   "Oga Joseph, welcome"

The pub owner greeted, rushing to get a bottle of alcohol for Joseph. 

HERO was the name.

Joseph nodded in response to the greeting, beside him was a drunk man, you would know by his stuttering sentences to no one in particular that he was drunk.

Joseph directed his gaze to the screen of the television mounted by the corner of the pub.

   "You watch her program?" he asked the pub owner, giving a wink to the lady beside him that could not stop staring, she simply blushed.

  "Yes, everybody in this country watches her program"

the pub owner replied with a bragging tone like he was the lady himself.

   "I know her"

His confession brought surprise and mouth agape from the pub owner.

  "Eh?" Recovering from the shock, 

 the pub owner asked, not sure that he had heard him well and still looking at him with surprise.

   "I said I know her"

Joseph said again, his tone higher this time.

   "Oga you lucky oooo, at least you sef know somebody wey famous" the barman whispered, leaving to attend to another customer.

   "She's engaged to my best friend"

Joseph was sure the barman did not hear his last statement.

He quickly gulped down the alcohol before returning his gaze to the television viewing Rachel with a smirk on his face.




  Joseph lazily threw his car keys on the table, loving the fresh smell of the apartment, he knew he was reeking of too much alcohol.

He tried finding his room, his feet unsteady on the tiled floor. The light illuminated the whole place when he turned the bulb on.

Cursing under his breath as he found his room, without thinking twice he jumped into his king-sized bed, sighing.

Smiling to himself, he had not forgotten to give his phone number and home address to one of the ladies in the pub just in case.

  He pulled off his shirt and smiled at his six packs that were in perfect form.

Working out was doing him a lot of good.

  Joseph got interrupted by his phone ringing, it stopped and rang again.

He prayed that it was one of his girls but disappointment crossed his face when it was another person.

Joseph chose to ignore the call but his phone rang for the third time then he had no choice.

   "What is it!" He barked.

Not in the mood for the said person.

   "Jeez calm down, I just wanted to check up on you"

   "Sorry, I'm just tried"

Joseph held back a yawn. glancing at the wall clock.

It was almost noon.

   "You went to drink, right?"

He rolled his eyes at Luke's question.

Of course, he went to drink, what else would he do?

All his friends knew that it was his favorite hobby, that is if drinking was a hobby.

   "Relax, I just went there to see the ladies"

Stressing the word Ladies,  Joseph was sure Luke frowned at his reply.

Luke was always the number person to be against him being a player.

   "Don't go and get HIV and STD, can't you settle down for once"

   "One, I use protection, and second Mr soon to be married. I don't want to settle down"

   "Oh about that, why don't you come back

My wedding is fast approaching, I'm sure the girls would love to see you"

Joseph kept mum at Luke's request, it had been years since the incident.

The incident he had tried to forget but every time he thought he was a step forward, he goes two steps back.

The girl AKA Rachel and Natalie. It has been 10 years since they last saw what happened.

Shaking off the thought of the two. Joseph cleared his throat.

   "I'll think about it first"

   "Ok, thanks man, bye"


He sighed when Luke cut the call, flinging his phone on his bed and rubbing his temples.

Sleep was the only remedy for his tired eyes.


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