Tommy Eaton

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It was a hot summer night and i was still working my shift when Tommy comes in by himself I'm surpried he isn't with my brother and the others but wasn't mad cause i could talk to him without anyone bothering us, i have a crush on him since we're thirteen years old but I have no idea how he feels about me cause he flirts with any girl he see's, let's just say he's a horny dude.

-hey doll, what are you up to. That nickname always gives me butterflies

-I'm clearly working and why are you not with the boys. I asked

-cause i want to talk to you about something

-uhh ok whats up?

-I was wondering if i could have you're friend Wendy's number, she's kinda hot. of course he didn't like me what the hell was i thinking

-hey you ok? he asked me

yeah sorry just got lost in my thoughts.


-so what?

-can i have her number?

-oh sure, sorry, here

We talked for a bit and then when my shift was over we left and headed to my house to meet with my brother Davey and the two other boys were probably going to be there.


We were heading to y/n's house, she was rambling about some random stuff and I couldn't stop myself from smiling, I couldn't stop starting at her either....she's kind of attractive .

- hey doll I need to talk to you. I said, I swear I could see the blush on her cheeks
-yeah what's up?, do you want another of my friends number or something?
- no, I just need to tell you something
Something she doesn't know is that I have liked her since 6th grade but I've been trying to take my mind of of her by talking to other girls
-I like you. She looked at me puzzled
-what do you mean?
- i mean that your smile is the cutest, the way you're hair blows in the wind and how you blush every time I flirt with you. I just really like you


He just told me he liked me
-I like you too...I said, he looked at me with relief
- and if I'm being honest you're kinda hot, he said
-well you just ruined that whole speech mister Eaton
We both laughed and then he kissed me, we ended up going to my house and it was empty so we went to my room and made out for hours until we watched a movie and cuddled until we fell asleep


Sorry I know this isn't the best it's my first time writing something but if you guys have suggestions I'll take them in consideration :))

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