Cole Johnson

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A few years back I was had the biggest crush on this boy in my class Cole and we were good friends until I moved. I finally came back to town and I want to surprise him thing is I still have a massive crush on him but he has always been in love with Melanie . The beautiful blond haired girl. We have kept contact and we still talk thing is, he is clearly still in love with her. Especially since that kiss they shared when his crazy babysitter was trying to kill us.

Back in a city where I loved a boy who always loved my best friend.
I am surprising Cole on the yatch that Melanie and her dumbass boyfriend Jimmy decided to rent for the weekend.

As I wait for them to arrive I end up falling asleep to soon be awaken by someone shaking me and saying my name
It was Cole's voice

-"Y/N!!! Oh my god it's actually you! I can't believe it, I missed you so much"
-"Hi Cole, I missed you too" I said while tears were starting to form in my eyes. He then have me the biggest hug I have ever received in my life. When we backed up we looked at each other for a moment, he then did something I never expected he would do.
He put his hands on my cheeks and wiped away my tears with his thumb, my heart exploded
Then jimmy ruined the moment
-"Ok love birds we get it you guys missed each other bla bla bla who cares let's just start playing and drinking"
We all sat down I was in between Cole and Melanie and the rest were sitting in front of us in a circle.
-"Cole, it's your turn to spin the bottle" Boom-Boom said
He spun it and it landed on me
We went inside the wardrobe and he said
-"We don't have to do this if you don't want to"
-"Do you trust me?" I asked
He nodded
-"Close your eyes"
He looked at me confused but then did so. The next moment my lips are in contact with his, and he doesn't move away. It starts slow with my arms rested on his shoulders and his hands on my face. He then moves his hands to my waist and pulls me into is chest. In that moment to world didn't exist anymore, all I could think about was him, my Cole. We then stopped to catch our breath and he rested his forehead on mine I then realized how much taller he had gotten while I was gone. He looked at me with so much passion I was scared to look away as if I would lose him if I cut eye contact.
He then said something I never expected
-"You have no idea how long I have waited to hold you in my arms"
I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before moving towards the door of the closet, he then pulled me in and whispered
-"I love you Y/n and I never want to lose you again"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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