Teddy Pierce

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Teddy and i have been best of friends since as long as i can remember because my father worked with his father so we grew up together.  After his father died ther would be days he would cry in my arms all day and other days where he would ignore me and hang out with his new asshole friends and i was tired of it so I decided i wouls comfront him and if it goes well i might also tell him how i've been feeling for the last years.

As i go up to his door I hear someone say my name

-Y/n? It was Teddy

-Hey Teddy I was wondering if I could talk to you?

-Yeah of course you can always talk to me 

-Are you sure because it doesn't really seem like it ever since you've been hanging out with those dumbasses

-Where is this comming from? He asked, as if he hasn't been ignoring me half of the time

-It's comming from me being tired of always being there for you but you don't even listen when i have something impotant to tell you

-OK, let's go inside and we can talk about wathever you want

-No need, I was going to leave anyways that's all i had to say to you. i then start leaving his house

-Wait, Please don't leave me I never wanted to hurt you i just... he trailed off

-You just what?

-I just didn't know how to hide my feelings anymore so I decided that maybe less talking to you would make them go away but it didn't, it made me realise how much i care about you, how bad i need you in my life, How much i love you. I said it Y/n, I LOVE YOU

I looked at him in shock and ran up to him and kissed him, he kissed back instantly grabbing onto my waist while i held onto his neck.  We brock the kiss and put our foreheads together and i told him

-I love you too Teddy Pierce

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