09 | carved hearts

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I yawned as I entered the Office and slouched down into a chair. Egg and Raven were already there, waiting for me. "Ummm... Are you okay?" Egg asked me, passing me a cup of coffee. "Mmm, my back feels sore," I whined. "I just feel sleep deprived and cranky is all". I grabbed the cup, but the heat alarmed my hand. Better let it cool for a while.

"So, do you want to work with eachother for the day?" Raven questioned us. "I usually go with Gary, but he's already paired up with Paolo". Raven and us are kind of friends. He and Egg met during the Junior Program and they introduced me to Raven soon afterwards. We became good friends, which is kind of odd, considering everyone's drastically different personalities. Everyone at MIRAH HQ already pointed out how odd someone as energetic and extroverted as me ended up with an introverted Egg, or an edgy Raven. I never really got why it was odd. That's just the power of friendship!!

"Sure!" I beamed. "After I get my energy back". As I quickly chugged down my coffee, which had cooled down, Yuuto spoke up. "Do you remember when we first came to Polus?" he asked me. "We carved our names into one of the rocks". I paused, remembering the memory. The amount of times we had to keep on trying to make a single scratch, and the dust that ended up on the glass of our helmets. "Duh, of course I do!" I said. "That was when we first solidified our friendship!"

"You really did that?" Raven chuckled. "Sounds like something only couples would do". "Well, we were a couple of besties," I smiled. "We could take you to see it, if it's still there, of course". "Hmm, yeah. Sure" he replied. "I could carve my name into it too". "Sounds like a great idea," Egg grinned.

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We walked over to a gigantic rock near Storage. It was half covered by powdery snow, white like blank paper. "This is the one!" I beamed proudly, wiping the snow off the surface of the rock. There was a lot of snow. No markings though. "Hmm, I don't think it's this one, Egg" I told him. "Maybe it's somewhere else". "Maybe you're looking on the wrong side of the rock?" he suggested, and seiped off the snow on the other side. "Ah! Harmony, Damien! Look over here!"

We looked over to his side of the rock. Three names were carved onto the rock, as well as the year. "HARMONY, EGG + ROWAN WERE HERE, 2093". "You were here five years ago?" Damien said. "Yep! Our first mission together!" I chuckled. "We were thirteen at the time. It was also when we first encountered the aliens". "Who's Rowan?" Damien asked. I looked over at Egg, and he looked back at me. "We'd prefer not to talk about them". I grabbed onto a nearby sharp stone and tried scratching a small heart into the rock. "A-ha! This actually works!!" I giggled. I scratched my name into the rock again, with an updated date.


Egg picked up a nearby rock and also tried writing his name into the rock. "EGG, 2098". "You wanna try?" he asked Raven, passing him a rock. Raven let out a small chuckle, and scrawled his name onto the rock too. "DAMIEN RAVEN B RAMBERT, 2098". "Is that your full name!?" I gasped. "That's long". "That way, people will know who I really am!" Raven laughed. "It'll be easier to find my social media presence if I die and then I'll get follower bombed on Twitter!".

 "It'll be easier to find my social media presence if I die and then I'll get follower bombed on Twitter!"

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