BOOK 2 - The Darling Series
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"I am afraid," she admitted in a whisper, "if I have this child, you will despise me for the rest of our lives."
Both of his hands cupped either one of her cheeks. His eyes bored into hers intensely to prove his...
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T H E S E W I N G room was a place that she was able to always come to in order to shut everything out around her. In there with the door closed to silence the loudness of it all, she could focus on herself and her craft. Time escaped her when she was in the sewing room.
There seemed to be a pattern with the work she produced, depending on the mood she was in. If she was happy, she'd move at a leisurely pace. She would take her time with each stitch and design. If she was sad, she would hardly get anything finished. And when she was anxious, dress after dress and design after design would be haphazardly thrown into her pile she mentally marked as complete.
If anyone were to enter the room and witness the chaos it embodied at the hand of Louelle, they'd be able to comprehend how she was feeling without her verbalizing it.
In the sewing room, it was the place where she was emotionally transparent the most. Anyone, whether they knew her or not, would have been able to determine just what she was thinking - even without the context.
Fabrics were spewn across every surface of the room. Needles of various sizes littered the floor surrounding her feet as she quickly bounced around the project she was currently attending. She had multiple strands of thread draped around her neck. Her hair was knotted up with a pin often used to hold the fabric down onto the work table. And she had slightly loosened her corset in order to have more mobility.
The seamstress had been there when Louelle arrived following breakfast, but she made her quick exit after seeing the lady lose herself in threads and fabrics and needles. As aforementioned, anyone would have been able to see exactly how Louelle was feeling. The seamstress noticed her mayhem and vanished before she was able to get swept into it herself.
No one dared to be reckless enough to get pulled into Louelle Clemens' craziness.
However, apparently not Dane.
He had been standing in the open doorway of the room for quite some time. He was unsure of how long, but he didn't necessarily mind if night were to fall at any moment. It was enjoyable to him to watch Louelle escape the outside world and focus on what she loved to do. She was a different person when she was working on her craft, and he liked it.
Dane knew that in the sewing room, Louelle was allowed to let all expectations of herself go, and she was able to completely be herself with a lack of judgment and prying eyes of others. It was a time where she was able to feel out her thoughts, rather than suppress them.
She was completely within her element in the sewing room - and it was why he often liked to join her. When she closed herself off from the outside world, he did, too.
He attempted to knock many minutes ago to make her aware of his awaiting presence, but she was too enveloped in the task at hand for it to reach her ears. Instead of trying again, he decided to watch her from the doorway and not disrupt her.