Chapter 19

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I threw my bag onto my desk , my mind was full I could only see in front of me my ears were blocked out .
"Ah y/n your finally here" timeline called to me . She was always so happy to see me but that didn't appeal to me . My head stayed down . Can't she just leave now .
"Hey,are you ok " she asked . She raised her hand reaching towards my shoulder . I hit her hand away before she could touch me . She let out a quite gasp . I stood up and stared at her face .her face was twisted into sorrow and confusion . Her mouth was slightly ajar ,her eyebrows raised. She stood still in the silence of the room . " oh , I'm sorry " she smiled , " I didn't mean to invade your space " my expression didn't change . I didn't know what to do . I didn't mean to hurt her feelings . I barged past Yumeko and headed towards the door . Suddenly students started To flood the hallways as the bell rung . I slipped into the crowd as view of the classroom got smaller and smaller.

* after school*.
I waited in the bathroom till everyone left school before I left myself , I didn't want to deal with all the chatter and noise everyone makes . God I don't even want to go home but I have no where to go .I left the stall I was waiting in and left out the school entrance . My car was waiting for me outside the courtyard gates. Why were they waiting so long . Please don't tell me I'm gonna get special treatment now . I opened the door and sat inside the car .
"Welcome , miss y/n your mother has requested you invite a friend to a dinner tonight . I crossed my arms and shut my eyes in annoyance . " why should I , I was never allowed until today. " I replied
"I'm not sure miss but I think you would enjoy it ."
" fine but we will be sat by ourselves, you think I wanna embarrass myself ."
" alright miss , I will arrange that with your mother ."
" thank you , I trust that you will get it done "
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted yumeko an invitation to dinner. I hope she will agree.
Text *
Hey , yumeko uh would u like to come to dinner tonight , I would love for you to accompany me .

Oh umm sure what time and do you want me to meet you there ?

No it's ok , me and my family will pick you up at 7


I put my phone down as the car came to a halt .
"Ok miss have a great day "
I smiled back at my driver as I opened my door to the house.
It was quite and empty as usual , I was expecting some big surprise based on the way I've been treated today. Ugh I groaned as I climbed the stair , air flowing up skirt . I opened my bedroom door as I began to remove my blazer ,It was such a long day , only to find a small box waiting on the floor . It was a gold box with silver ribbon , the hinges were gold and symbols on it were engraved on the gold . It was cold to the touch . I ran my fingers along it , examining every little crevasse. My cheeks blushed lightly  as I realised it was real . I opened the box to see a diamond bracelet. It had a large diamond right in the middle with hundreds of tiny diamonds around it . My eyes widened . It was truly amazing . Every detail was a sight to see
The way the gems glistened in all light , the fact it was so light . I felt enlightened, I knew this cost so much 100 million yen Maybe whatever I needed to change .
I looked through my closet . Hmm maybe I should wear something expensive.
Or maybe a suit.
I pulled out two options dress or suit I put the dress up to my body . I smile spread across my face , wow I looked really good . I exchanged it with the suit . Gosh I looked great in both , but the dress compliments my body way more . I was soft and flowing the waist slightly cinched waist with a puffy top half . It was a lovely shade of yellow . The elastic bands around the shoulders hugged tightly around them . I put on a bunch of jewellery and cute shoes . I put mascara and lipstick on as the time for dinner was nearly arriving. Why was I even trying so hard . I had nothing to look forward too except for meeting with yumeko but even that was messed up . It's so funny how I tried so hard for nothing . I chuckled slightly . I sighed as I got up and flattened out my dress . I guess I should get going .
I could here the car waiting for me outside as the engine ran . I hurriedly left as the clock stuck seven, there was already a person opening the door for me . The car was warm and snug .  I wasn't really looking forward to this as my whole family will be there and so will yumeko . I took my seat in the car and told the driver yumeko address . I sat back and thought about why we were having this dinner . The car suddenly stopped . Huh we must be here . I pulled out my phone and texted yumeko that we were here . We waited for a few moments before I saw heard the door click open . I saw yumeko in a long red dress her hair tied back in a high ponytail . My eyes where glued to her honey brown eyes . Her eyelashes waved as she blinked . Her chest stuck out of her dress slight and her hips where curved with the shape of her dress. I let out a small smile as I swiftly moved away . I could feel my face getting hot .

" you look ... lovely " I complemented, slightly embarrassed.
" thank you " she replied her voice sounding more soft and graceful as ever .
We sat the rest of the car ride in silence . I could hear her quite breathes.

The car stopped as the light of the restaurant shon through the tinted windows. The door swung upon . Yumeko was first to get out the bright light gave her a silhouette from inside the car ,her curved body standing elegantly in front of me. I slowly got out of the car my dress flowing as I stepped down from the raised floor of the car.
Me and yumeko walked into the restaurant together. As soon as we entered the waitress guided us to our seats . My whole family was already waiting there . My eyebrows furrowed as I seen our two empty seats at the same table . I sat down next to my brother  and yumeko sat beside my father . We where sat across from each other . Yumekos face was stern and sharp as mine was upset and angry . I got up and excused myself to make a call to my driver . I walked outside letting the cold night air hit my exposed neck  and shoulders . The sound of the waves hitting the cold sand shore washed over me . I felt peaceful as I inhaled the fresh air . I set up my phone to call my driver letting the phone ring .
" ahem , good evening ma'am"
" I thought I asked you to get me a separate table , why am I sat with everyone else " I shouted
" I'm sorry ma'am but your mother just wouldn't allow it and I couldn't risk my job ."
" alright whatever "
I ended the phone with a sigh as I started to head back inside . I contorted my face into a civil elegant expression as I sat down back next to my brother .
The silence was annoying. Why couldn't she just say why we are here . My eye twitched slightly as I grew more impatient.

" Ahem, I have gathered everyone today to celebrate Y/N and her achievements. " my mother explained.
" we are so proud of her " my father added .
Silence . Only silence followed afterwards.
Yumeko started to quietly clap her hands together smiling . I smiled back hoping she forgave my actions this morning .
" order anything, have fun!" My father exlaimed . My brother beside took his menu uttering something incoherent. I slowly picked up my menu glancing at yumeko . She was looking at her menu already . I opened my menu and looked for the most expensive thing . I already ate before but wasting their money gave me quite some joy. Still I might eat a starter. I  choose a simple salad starter and a gold flake dusted steak . Yumeko ordered a small salad and some mini sandwich cakes . The moment our food came, my mother decided to make another announcement.
" I just wanted to say , I'm thankful that she has taken up the role as our descendant . "

I looked up in shock and annoyance.
" she will lead this family into further greatness " she exclaimed.
I glanced back at yumeko her face never wavering .
My face was full of disgust . I won't be doing any of this . What is the .. bitch talking about . My breathe grew heavy . I slammed my palms on the table as I shot up . My dress flowed behind me as the speed walked to the entrance , heading down the path I got closer to the water . What a lovely time to visit the shore . I let the still night flow against my consciousness. I sound of the calming waves washed over me . I let my heavy breathes lighten and turn into little sighs .  

" ah , Y/N ," yumekos regular soft voice interrupt me calm moment,"I was looking for you , I could tell you where a bit upset "
I let out a sigh and opened my eyes slightly .
" do you not want this " she asked
I didn't say anything back .
Yumeko  stepped forward , standing right next to me . Her hair flowed lightly .
I glanced over , her lips were quivering. Was she cold ?
Yumeko grabbed my hand and kissed me . My eyes widened as her lips pressed against mine . I pushed her away
" yumeko my family is just up the road if the come here .. I will be in deep trouble " I said in a worry " come on we need to head back "
" ah I'm sorry .
"You can say over at mine if it's too late for you too head home . I responded
I wish I could've shared that kiss longer but I can't risk it .
After dinner, at Y/N s house *

"So would u like to sleep in my room?"  I questioned

Oh my days finally an update I'm sorry for not following up on my previous post I forgor. Anyways plz enjoy . It's currently 2:53

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