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It had been the easiest decision I was ever made to take and so it came that I was sitting on a bench in front of the airport of Seville, freezing to death. I had purposefully checked the temperature during winter, how should I have known these Arctic cold waves dropped it down to almost -7 degrees. I clung my light jacket around my shivering body, hoping to store at least some of my naturally produced warmth.

I was just rubbing my hands against each other when my eyes finally caught the familiar black van pull up the parking lot. In a desperate hurry I collected my suitcase and sprinted towards the car. Me being embarrassingly out of breath, the driver greeted me in Italian and took it from me, shoving it into the back a little too harsh for my taste. 

"Ora ti riporto in hotel, puoi pagare?", he added, leaving me with a startled look on my face. The cold wind biting into my skin, I didn't want to lose any time translating it in my phone. Since his intonation helped me believe it had been a question he had asked, I answered with one of the only words I'd know in Italian.

"Si... si signore", I babbled, my gaze regularly meeting the warm interior of the car.

The driver stared at me for a moment in visible confusion but then just shrugged and walked to the driver's side with a quick "Bene". That at least I understood.

As soon as I closed the door, I found myself sink into the comparingly soft seat of the van with a sigh. Unfortunately my body had just gained its normal temperature when the driver already hit the brakes. We hadn't been driving for more than ten minutes, so I looked outside curiously. My eyes stopped on a gorgeous complex of two buildings. The white stone facade was decorated with delicate golden ornaments and stucco. It didn't fit into the surroundings at all but looked perfect with the thin layer of snow on its driveway. It didn't have to fit in to look impressive.

"Sono ventitré euro per favore", the man pulled me out of my admiring thoughts. He looked at me expectantly, his hand extended.

"What?", it slipped out of my mouth before I properly thought about neither his statement, nor my answer.

"Don't worry Ameya, I'll take it from here", I heard the familiar voice behind me, leaving me to spin around with a smile.

"Damiano!", I beamed while he pulled me in a hug that felt softer than ever. I had never realised how much I grew to like and miss these people. If it wasn't for work, I maybe would have dared to call them my friends.

He swiftly handed some bills to the driver, who got back into the van and drove off. Oh that's what he wanted. The guilt arose in me, when I realised I couldn't pay him back even if I wanted to. I should take better care of my money from now on.

"How have you been?", he smiled back at me once the van drove off down the road. Damiano grabbed my suitcase and began pulling it towards the large swing doors. I struggled to hide my giddiness from the nervosity to see Victoria again. I had pushed away that thought ever since arriving in Spain, but now the rush of adrenaline came kicking in all at once.

"Quite alright", I lied, not thinking we would be friends enough for that kind of honesty. Friendly conversation was more suiting for our relationship.

He looked at me with big eyes displaying nothing less but worry. He knew about me and Victoria, he had to know. Did he?

"Follow me, you can wait for her there." He knew. I followed him through the hotel which was just as impressive on the inside. It wasn't formal like the band's management but more in an elegant and subtle way. No big unnecessities but rather small, delicate decorations held in gold and white tones.

Damiano pulled out a key from the pocket of his pants and stopped in front of a room labeled "p365". He handed the key to me and then flashed me his charming smile.

"She doesn't know whether you came", he said, closing my hand around the key with both of his. "Believe me, I've never seen her with anyone like this before. I think you really mean something to her, if not everything. So please, only stay if you're sure about your feelings." He kissed the top of my head as if we were best friends and then turned around, leaving me both stunned and shocked all at once.

The key was pressed cold against my palm, having the possibility of opening not just this door but also the chance to see the woman I was starting to fall in love with. It's never been only about the physical attraction towards her confident appearance, my fear from being used by her had been long overpowered by the desire to be near her. I had no problem with her keeping our relationship physical as long as we had one.

Still thinking about Damiano's words, I turned the key in the lock. Did I really mean something to her? Was I different to her? I didn't dare to dream of that.

My gaze wandered around the suite I was standing in, closing the door while lost in thought. It was bright thanks to the large windows. Clean and neat. The colour scheme was the same as the entrance hall, white and gold. It felt even more expensive.

I had always been familiar with the concept of money and even though my parent's small fortune allowed me to pursue my dreams at any point of my life, it would never come close to the wealth this girl owned.

My hands carefully traveled along the delicate embellishment engraved into the wooden chair in the corner of the room, close to the windows.

Only the sound of a key in the lock permitted my head to finally get rid of all these unnecessary thoughts running through my brain in order to concentrate on that one single thought. The thought of her. I half expected someone else to open the door once I turned around.

The more I felt like flying when my eyes met these more than familiar blue ones that never failed to wrap me into that magical spell. Victoria stopped in the middle of the door frame once she noticed me standing in her room, her hand still resting on the handle she had just pulled.

My eyes lingered there for a little longer before taking in the rest of her body, her hair falling in natural waves like usual, framing her gleaming face with her neat bangs.

She was wearing a white crop top, similar to the one she had on the first time I had ever seen her. Just that little bit of skin revealed between the hem of her shirt and the waistband of her pink jeans made my stomach flip.

Seeing her stand like that, caught off guard, as vulnerable as ever, I had to think of how she made me understand why storms were named after people. One look at her was enough to wreck my mind, lose any control over my body. Best proof was the fact that I had to remind myself to breathe.

"Ameya...", she finally whispered. The way she said my name made my knees weak, my head empty. For a second I feared I would faint. My breath caught at the intensity in her stare.

Victoria closed the door, carefully approaching me. I've never seen her like this before. It was unfamiliar, almost odd to know her insecure. She stopped only when I could already smell her intoxicating scent. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around her, kiss her, hold onto her.

"You really came", she muttered again under her breath, even more silent than before. I smiled at her and nodded, too weak to speak.

It could have been my imagination but I thought to see something that looked like relief on her face. She wanted me here.

"I missed y-", she wanted to add but this time I interrupted her. My arms flung around her neck almost as a habit and I pressed my body against hers. She looked at me surprised while stumbling some steps backwards from my sudden push. It didn't take long though before she wrapped her warm arms around my waist, holding me tightly in her gentle embrace.

Then she kissed me, and my world began turning again.

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