Chapter 15

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"EAT SHIT BITCH!" screamed Isaac, blasting Edward well off of his feet with a well aimed laser.

"WILL!" Yelled George "WHERE ARE YOU!?"

"I'm on it." shouted Will, throwing a powerful punch towards Isaac, missing by miles. "Edward, get that bubble back."

"What the shit is happening in there?" questioned Josh. "I never saw anything like this before."

"What's happening where?" queried George concerned before his eyes fell upon Willow's Bubble.

The bubble had filled with a Black mist, swirling around Willow's feet. Tendrils began to rise up, curling around their legs. They were doubled over, head bowed.

In an instant, they snapped upright, the mist seeping into their hands and face. Willows eyes clouded over until there was no sight of any human eye left. An orange spot dimly shone in the centre where a pupil should be. Their fingertips turned dark, as if corrupted by ancient wizardry.

"No more." Willow muttered. "No more."

"Edward, shrink 'em!" Yelled George, quivering

Before the bubble could even move, an orange bubble appeared inside, preventing any further shrinking.

"HOW!?" cried Edward.

"No more." Willow mumbles again as the orange bubble expanded, shattering the Green dome.

"NO FUCKING MORE!" Willow darted forward at inhumane speeds, their shoulders broadening as they sped towards Josh, tearing a limb from his body and launching him skywards. Green bubbles shattered over and over again as Edward tried to contain Willow to no avail.

Josh landed with a bone shattering thud before being tossed carelessly aside like a child's toy. His lifeless corpse ricocheting against a stone pillar.

"RUN!" screamed George in terror, calling for Edward, Hannah and Will to retreat.

Edward and Hannah were by George's side in an instant, speeding off into the sunset.

"What about Will?" asked Edward.

"Fuck him, he was too slow." George replied coldly.

"That's gay" Hannah giggled.

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