Pirate Terminology

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Ahoy- an interjection used to hail a ship or a person or to attract attention

Avast- stop. pay attention

Aye- yes

Becalmed- the state of a sailing vessel which can't move due to a lack of wind

Belay- to stop, usually a command

Blimey- said when surprised

Boom about- when a ship turns in the wind, the boom can swing violently

Fire in the hole- a warning issued before a cannon is fired

Furl- roll up and secure

Haul Down- turn a vessel on its side for cleaning

Haul wind- direct a ship into the wind

Heave- come to a halt

Heave ho- put strength into what you're doing

Overhaul- to slacken a line or to gain upon in a chase

Savvy- do you understand

Scupper that- throw that overboard. usually said in anger

Shiver me timbers- show shock or disbelief

Show a leg- wake a sleeping pirate

Sink me- great surprise

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