National Environmental Gendarmerie

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A little information about the National Environmental Gendarmerie which will be the main faction in the novel.

The National Environmental Gendarmerie is the police force and military of the unrecognized National Environmental Republic. Formed right after the secession of the republic, it is the primary law enforcement and defense force in the breakaway republic and consists of 2000 officers and 6000 reservists, all volunteers. It also includes a small flotilla of eco friendly patrol boats and a small air wing of solar unmanned aerial vehicles.


The National Environmental Gendarmerie was officially formed as the Environmental National Guard on the 1st of May 20XX, one month before the Environmental Rebellion. It also takes its roots from the European Gendarmerie Force which was disbanded a year earlier and incorporated into the European Border Police. It was the main participant in the Environmental War, engaging in combat against the United European Army (U.E.A.) and the Border Police. On the 30th of August, the Ministry of Environmental Defense approved the creation of a counter-intelligence unit which was established two months later on the 13th of October. During the war, the Environmental National Guard, with the support of various environmental groups and activists from around the world, succeeded in halting the advance of the European Armed Forces and regaining lost territory. It's estimated that over 900 gendarmes lost their lives in the war and 400 more wounded. According to reports form the Human Rights Watch and the Reporters Without Borders, no war crimes were committed by the National Guard, however there were a few cases of killings of POWs, medics and civilians by corrupted officers. Further reports indicate that any officer found guilty of war crimes was court martialed and was either dishonorably discharged or imprisoned depending on how serious his crime was.

Post-war reform.

After the end of the war and with the ceasefire agreement signed by the Prime Ministers of the two sides, the National Guard underwent a reform. Under the new constitution of the National Environmental Republic, the National Guard would have to be reduced to at least 3000 officers and 7000 reservists. They were then to dismantle, destroy or hand over all tanks and artillery except light armored vehicles and utility trucks. The flotilla would have to be reduced to 20 patrol boats and the air force would also have to be reduced to reconnaissance drones, ultralight planes and helicopters. By the end of the year, the National Guard was reorganized to a police-sized force and renamed the National Environmental Gendarmerie.

The flag.

The flag of the Gendarmerie consists of seven stripes, four green and three white, and a green leaf inside a blue shield

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The flag of the Gendarmerie consists of seven stripes, four green and three white, and a green leaf inside a blue shield. The green stripes represent the plants and the trees of the planet while the white stripes represent the clouds in the skies. They also represent the unity between between everyone, regardless of skin color, religion, ideology. It is also used as the Gendarmerie's shoulder patch. During the war, the flag used by the National Guard consisted of two horizontal stripes, one blue and one green, with a medieval shield in the middle and a tree inside it. After the National Guard changed its name, it was decided to change the flag as well, so an alternate flag was proposed to the Ministry of Environmental Defense. After the presenting the flag to the Ministry, it was decided to make the proposed flag the official flag of the Gendarmerie.


The Gendarmerie is mainly tasked with traffic control, protection of forests and lakes, criminal investigation, the protection of minorities, border patrols, anti-terrorism, cybercrime investigation, arresting criminals, sanitation service and firefighting.

The Gendarmerie consists of the following units:

Atlas Brigade: Stationed outside the capital, Atlas City.

Bacopa Brigade: Stationed at the city of Bacopa.

Bluestem Brigade: Stationed at the city of Bluestem.

Gazania Brigade: Stationed at the city of Gazania

Petunia Border Brigade: Stationed at the city of Petunia, near the border with Europe.

Military Police (M.P.) : Tasked with Enforcing the Environmental law within the Gendarmerie.

Environmental Guards Brigade: Tasked in accompanying the Prime Minister and other political figures within and outside the republic.

Special Investigation Unit (S.I.U.) : Tasked with the investigating homicides, kidnappings, arson cases, environmental disasters.

Environmental Traffic Unit (E.T.U.): Tasked with traffic control duties and the removal of carbon vehicles from the streets.

Rapid Response Environmental Unit (R.R.E.U.): The SWAT unit of the Gendarmerie, tasked with hostage rescue, elimination of environmental threats and counter-terrorist operations.

Cyber Crime Unit (C.C.U.): Tasked with the prevention of cybercrime and tracking down hackers.

Agave Flotilla: Stationed at lake Agave, tasked with patrolling the lake and keeping the water clean from garbage or any other toxic materials.

Civil Defense Unit: Tasked with firefighting duties.


The National Environmental Gendarmerie is mostly equipped with domestically produced non lethal ultrasound guns that are capable of knocking a person unconscious. Under article 94 of the republic's constitution, the Gendarmerie is not allowed to have lethal weapons in its arsenal, however in case of war they are allowed to to possess a small number of anti-tank/anti-aircraft missiles for the defense of the country. There are not tanks or artillery either but there is a reasonable number of homemade armored vehicles used by the R.R.E.U. , which are all electric. For regular patrols, the gendarmerie uses the Tesla Cybertruck as its main vehicle which can also be used in combat in case of war. There is also a small drone industry that produces small reconnaissance drones for the Gendarmerie due to the fact that the constitution prohibits the republic from having an air force. In lake Agave, the flotilla consists of twenty domestically produced Type E eco friendly patrol boats, each armed with a non lethal gun as well as a water cannon.

(And that's the brief history of the Environmental Gendarmerie. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments below. Stay tuned for the first chapter).

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