Getting Proof at STAR Labs

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Hall of Doom No POV

Heat Wave, Captain Cold, Malcolm Merlyn and Wade were outside the hall getting ready to leave. Reverse Flash probably already went ahead.

Heat Wave: time to turn the heat up on Metropolis! Let's head to the cable car station!

Captain Cold: I don't think they'll let us ride on the cable cars anymore... not after last time.

Heat Wave: haha! Who cares about what they think? We'll still use it to get across! Merlyn, you coming or are you babysitting the newbie?

Merlyn: try and stay out of trouble, you two. We've got a job to do, remember?

Heat Wave and Captain Cold went ahead as Wade and Merlyn went together.

Merlyn: so you're a mute, right?


Merlyn: it won't be much of a problem then.

They both walked to the nearest highway.

Merlyn: I know you can't exactly wish to disclose your origins. That's fine. Just try to keep up with me, if you can.


They both went all the way to the Cable Car as the driver saw them.

Driver: ah ah ahh! Your other friends have just tried that as well! Do NOT got one minute think I'll be taking you across! No, siree! Nope! Not going to happen!

Merlyn; let me show you how a bad guy solves situations like these.

Merlyn saw the fusebox and he used one arrow to make bounce three times and it hit the fuse box activating the cable car. They both got on and went to Metropolis. Then they arrived to STAR Labs where the others were waiting.

Heat Wave: alright, losers. Let's get this done right.

They all went inside as Reverse Flash was inside impenitently waiting. Wade walked past some pictures of Johnny Quick with the scientists. They all sneaked around and waited for the scientists to leave as they went to the Cosmic Treadmill.

Reverse Flash: there's the Cosmic Treadmill, what's left of it.

Captain Cold: looks like someone wrecked it on purpose. Someone who knew about the Speed Force.

Reverse Flash: maybe it's that new guy in town; Johnny Quick.

Captain Cold: you think this Justice Syndicate doesn't want anyone checking up on them?

Merlyn: all the more reason for you to get to Earth-3 and see...

Heat Wave: yeah, but just be quick.

Merlyn: okay, Thawne. You're the so-called expert here. What do we need to do to fix this Cosmic Treadmill?

Reverse Flash: well, despite your pathetic attempt at flattery, I'd say that computer terminal over there's our best bet.

Captain Cold: shame it's a little out of our reach at the moment.

They were poking around as Wade spotted a switch and got Merlyn's attention. Merlyn fired a sonic arrow at the glass as it shattered and access the switch to let a ladder down. Wade quickly climbed and went over to a switch and flipped it.

Heat Wave: hey. Looks like we did something.

Captain Cold: well, there's no need to get so technical.

Merlyn: okay, I'm guessing those switches need to be flipped at the same time. Any volunteers?

Reverse Flash jumped across as Wade and himself flipped the switches to make a bridge. They went over to a gold coated wall as Wade used his heat beam to cut a circle to reveal some kind of power tech.

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