Chapter 17

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Y/n walked into the Shack, quietly making her way up the stairs, and into Dipper and Mabel's room. She walked in, seeing the two were already asleep. Y/n quickly got changed into Pj's, and she went into the small cot she slept in. Y/n quickly slid into the covers, falling asleep quickly. In her dream Y/n stood in an open field, everything was peaceful, birds were chirping away while the forest animals appeared and made their way towards the female. Y/n let out a soft giggle. She reached out to touch the animals, but suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist "Y/n its me, Luke" a voice spoke out. Y/n was shocked as the animal suddenly turned to Luke. "Y-y-ou..what are you doing my dream?" she asked. Luke's eyes held pain, and he nodded wearily "listen Y/n you need to come to the's about Bill something happened..and I don't know what happened" he pleaded. Y/n narrowed her eyes "what makes you think I'm going to believe you?" she chided. Luke sighed "I know you might not believe me, but please just this time I wouldn't come all this way into your dream just to trick you" he said, looking at her.

Y/n pondered for a moment. He had a point, but then again he was a dream demon, so he could be lying, just to mess with her. But what if he wasn't lying? then what would she do?. Bill could be in actual trouble, and she wouldn't know. Finally she took a deep breath "Okay fine Luke..where is Bill?". Luke nodded "in the woods" he said, he started to fade away, and Y/n jolted up with a start. She groggily looked around, looking at her clock she saw the time was 2 am. She looked around, and she quietly stood up. She threw on a sweater, and some jeans. She put on her shoes and she walked out. Y/n quickly made her way into the woods. She walked further into the woods and she panted as she stooped by a small lake. "Hello... Luke...Bill is someone there?" she called out. She growled to herself, she knew Luke was lying to her. She was about to walk off when she heard someone call her name, Y/n spun around to see Bill waddling towards her, his face was bruised, and he was limping. It looked like he had been stabbed multiple times "Y/n..." he helplessly called out. Y/n's eyes widened, and she bolted towards him. "Oh my gosh Bill you're hurt..what happened I thought you went back to your realm" she said, pulling him close. "Y/n..y-y-ou...y-y-ou" the male mumbled to the female, trailing off. "I shouldn't have what?!" Y/n questioned holding him tightly. Suddenly Bill's eyes light up, but they weren't yellow...they were a bright blue "you shouldn't have been so stupid to trust me". That was the last thing Y/n heard before a bright light appeared, and the female passed out.

Dipper quickly woke up, he gasped lightly. He looked around, seeing Y/n wasn't in her cot. He had heard a loud boom, but he couldn't tell if it was just a dream, or if it was real. He got out of his bed, and he quickly shook his sister "Mabel, Mabel wake up". Mabel turned over with a small grunt,"bleventin more minutes, Dr. Sweater". Dipper rolled his eyes "oh my gosh Waddles has been turned to bacon". Mabel shot up "what no!?, Waddles mommy's he-" she looked up to see Dipper "hey no fair" she pouted. Dipper sighed "Mabel I heard some loud explosion I think, it came from the woods, and Y/n isn't in her cot". Mabel nodded, and she frowned "I'm sure it's nothing, maybe she's out, now let me go back to sleep" she whined. Dipper shook his head "Mabel please...I think something happened to her, I want you to come with me" he said. Mabel groaned, "ugh fine, but you owe me. Big time". Dipper nodded, and he quickly changed, grabbing his bag. The two walked out, quickly making their way into the woods, in hopes to find Y/n, and the cause of the explosion.

Y/n sat up, her head was throbbing, and her legs were shaking. She ran her fingers through her hair, and she looked around. She didn't remember being in the woods, actually she couldn't remember anything, the last thing she remembered is falling, or maybe she was knocked out. "Y/n, Y/n" a voice frantically called out. Y/n stared at the ground, wait that was her name. "Here?" she called out groggily. A male ran up to her, his hair was brown, and his eyes looked relieved "oh thank god Y/n I thought you were in coma or something" he said, hugging her tightly. Y/n frowned "uh-huh...who are you exactly?". The male stared at Y/n "oh my the fall must have been worse than I thought" he mumbled. "The fall?" Y/n asked. The male nodded sadly, "oh see you and I were on that tree, but the branch broke, and you fell on your head... you were knocked out for quite sometime" he said. Y/n frowned "oh.. I don't remember that...actually I can't remember much to be honest" she said. The brunette nodded " you remember me?" he asked. Y/n shook her head, and he nodded sadly "well it's me, Luke...your boyfriend".

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